Page tree

You need to re-assign pages to different page positions in a page set.

Note: If you didn't complete Scenario 1, complete Tasks 1 and 2, before completing the following. Tasks 1 and 2 (of Scenario 1) contain preparatory steps required for all scenarios in this activity.

The following procedures describe how to complete this activity.
Note: Your instructor, service representative, or your system administrator will supply a user name and password, and tell you which server and Prinergy volume to use.

Add and refine an input file

  1. Right-click the Input Files pane and choose Add Input Files.
  2. In the Add Input Files dialog box, click the Job Folder button and locate: UserDefinedFolders/Input Files/ Aussie Tours:
    • 17-32 Aus tours.pdf
    • Aus tours1-16.pdf
    • pages33-48 Aus tours.pdf
  3. Click the Add All button to add every file to the Files to Add list.
  4. In the Options section of the Add Input Files dialog box, select the Process Selected Files Using Process Template check box. and use the process template: Refine > Refine > 1stRef-Normz.
  5. In the Add Input Files dialog box, click OK.
  6. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.

Create a page set

  1. From the File menu, choose Add Page Set.
  2. In the Add Page Set dialog box, enter the following:
    • New Page Set Name: XXPageSet (where <XX> represents your initials).
    • Page Start: 1
    • Page Count: 48
  3. Click Add. View the addition of an empty page set in the Page Sets pane.

Assign PDF pages to the page set

  1. In the Pages pane, right-click 17-32 Aus tours.p1.pdf and choose Select All Pages.
  2. Right-click any selected PDF page and select Assign Page to Position.
  3. In the Assign Pages to Page Set Position dialog box, verify that: Positions is…Starting at 1
  4. Click OK.

Unassign pages

  1. In the Page Sets pane, view the PDF page numbers compared with the page set positions
    • p1 (page set position 1) is matched with 17-32 Aus tours.p1.pdf
      Note: This placement is incorrect. The PDF page 17-32 Aus tours.p1.pdf should be matched with page set position p17.
    • p17 (page set position 17) is matched with Aus tours1-16.p1.pdf
      Note: This placement is incorrect. The PDF page Aus tours1-16.p1.pdf should be matched with page set position p1.
  2. In the Page Sets pane, right click the p1 position and choose Select All Page Positions.
  3. Right-click the p1 position and choose Unassign.

Re-assign pages using range selections

  1. In the Pages pane, right-click 17-32 Aus tours.p1.pdf and choose Select All Pages.
  2. Right-click any selected PDF page and select Assign Page to Position.
  3. In the Assign Pages to Page Set Position dialog box:
    1. Select the Range option.
    2. In the Range window, enter: 17-32, 1-16, 33-48.
      Note: By identifying page ranges, you can assign specific positions to pages. For more information, see the Prinergy Workshop Help: About Assigning Specific Positions to Pages.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Page Sets pane, view the PDF page position compared with the page set position. All pages are now correctly positioned to the appropriate page set position.
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