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KMS performance improvements for slow networks for Marks and Templates - See Preps Best Practices and Limitations - KMS

New features and enhancements

MacOS 14 Support

Referenced PR


PREPS-16431, PREPS-16796

Support High Resolution Mode (Mac)

PREPS-16719Populate nested SmartMark subfolders/files (Mac)
PREPS-16858Remove Java Lib (Mac)
PREPS-16795 Rebranding PREPS

The majority of Page and Page Bleed Mark Anchor issues were resolved in PREPS 9.5.x. (See Preps 9.5 new features, fixed bugs, and known limitations).

For customers planning to upgrade that currently use Page and Page Bleed Marks, see PREPS Page Marks Behaviour

NOTE: To run Preps 11.x with a floating license (FLIM) as part of a Prinergy Workflow system, you will need Prinergy Workflow 11.x with a license containing the Preps 10.x license option.

Fixed bugs 

Referenced PR



Tile Properties panel not displayed in macOS 13, 14

PREPS-16844Standalone Preps Cannot find License
PREPS-16848Standalone - Path in JDF to JDFMarksFlats references local app temp folder instead of destination folder (MAC)
PREPS-16876Import imposition failed when job name contains CJK or umlaut characters.
PREPS-16843"Print Job Layout Report" disables Output PS Marks flats for PJTF/JDF (MAC)
PREPS-13635Retina monitor displays page and section numbers out of proportion (MAC)
PREPS-16838Preps fails to save and return to Prinergy when PPF output is enabled (WIN) or PPF output fails (MAC)
PREPS-16781Interface not restored when panels collapsed and expanded (MAC)
PREPS-16782Performing some actions while Products pane is collapsed causes Preps to crash (MAC)
PREPS-16658Shingled pages no longer display as yellow (MAC)
PREPS-16864Markrule does not work on Nested marks (MAC)
PREPS-16811PDF read error displays while printing certain jobs (WIN)
PREPS-16620Preps (Standalone) crashes when selecting Software Licensing Radio Button (WIN)
PREPS-16860Static Collation Marks Properties does not display in macOS 13, 14 (Fixed in Standalone version PREPS11 B399)

Known limitations

Referenced PR


PREPS-16826Resources pane is sluggish on newer MacOS when many loose templates are present 
PREPS-16898"Open Recents" list is empty after software security update in macOS 13, 14
PREPS-16663Currently Prinergy job names with Non-ASCII and Umlaut characters can cause unexpected behaviour when Save & Return to Prinergy from Preps on Mac OS.

Unexpected results on VPS Output when Page Marks anchored to the Binding Edge [line mark issue only]

PREPS-16696Preps 9.5 -The issue of the Line Mark anchor to the page/page bleed face position
PREPS-16591JDF from Multipress not interpreted properly
PREPS-136Output jdf/pjtf with ps mark flats if you add customized media ,the jdf/pjtf and their ps mark flats clockwise rotation 90 degree unexpectedly

Additional Known limitations

Creating or Importing Preps Impositions with 500 or more Signatures is not supported (PREPS-16758)

As of Preps 9.x, you cannot use “SIG” at the beginning of file names used for EPS & PDF Custom Smart Marks. The “SIG” designation is reserved for Collation Marks and will not be recognized when creating Custom Smart Marks.

For EPS & PDF custom Smart Collation Marks, you need to add “SIG” to the beginning of the file name in order for Preps to recognize it as a Collation Mark. (PREPS-16747)


  • Custom Smart Marks: Rename both the EPS and PDF (name not starting with “sig”). In Preps, link new EPS within current SMK.

  • Smart Collation Marks: Rename both the EPS and PDF (name starting with “sig”). In Preps, link new EPS within current SMK.

  • Update any existing templates with new SMK, as it also references EPS name. This can be done with a batch Find and Replace script.

Preps 9.0.3 and newer installs Profiles folder in a new location - Win Workstation ONLY

When Preps is launched from Workshop (integrated), a copy of the "PrepsPrinergy.cfg.template" profile is pushed to the local workstation and overwrites the "PrepsPrinergy.cfg" Profile. In previous versions of Preps, it was copied to the local installation folder of Preps.

As of Prinergy 9.0.2/Preps 9.0.3 the following is true:

  • Profiles folder is now located in C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Kodak\Preps
  • Previous versions of Preps are not compatible with Prinergy 9.0.2 (Win ONLY)
  • All local custom profiles are accessed from this location.
  • Mac = Profile path did not change.

When you use "Odd" or "Even" keywords in the SmartMark Range field, the mark will be applied only for the first press run.

This happens for all marks when the mark anchor is anything except Gutter. See Common settings for SmartMarks.
Workaround: Add t: before the Range keyword. For example, t:odd or t:even.

If you add a new sheet while in template editing mode, you will no longer be in template editing mode.

You can still save as template. If you duplicate an existing press run you will remain in template editing mode.

When adding press runs to a job from a template, you cannot rename a signature after it has been edited.

Once you save the job for the first time you will be able to edit the name of a signature.

Preps mark preview limitation.

Textmarks placed too close to an adjacent page may get clipped on output. The mark will not appear clipped in Preps because Preps sandbox must preview the entire image.

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