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Upgrades to Preps 11.x are free of charge if you already have a Preps 11.x license or a service contract that includes software upgrades. Upgrades from earlier versions of Preps are chargeable if you do not have a service contract that includes software upgrades. To investigate support plans (service contracts) that entitle you to upgrades and technical support, contact your sales or service representative.

Running Preps 11.x independently of a Prinergy Workflow

Running Preps 11.x independently of a Prinergy Workflow requires a Preps 11.x software license key.

The dongle-based license keys used in pre-7.5 versions of Preps software are no longer supported in Preps 11.x. To upgrade your dongle-based license key to a software-based license key through the Preps licensing dialog box, use one of these procedures:

Running Preps 11.x with a floating license (FLIM) as part of a Prinergy Workflow system

To run Preps 11.x with a floating license (FLIM) as part of a Prinergy Workflow system, you will need Prinergy Workflow 11.x with a license containing the Preps 11.x license option. Refer to the Prinergy Workflow 11.x documentation for more information about Prinergy and its floating license feature as well as instructions for upgrading to Preps 11.x as part of your Prinergy Workflow upgrade.

Running Preps 11.x with a floating license (FLIM) as part of a Kodak Prinergy EVO workflow

To run Preps 11.x with a floating license (FLIM) as part of a Kodak Prinergy Evo workflow, you will need Prinergy EVO 11.x with a license containing the Preps 11.x license option. 

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