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This is the same procedure as the one for using Preps in a standalone environment, except that you will run the utility on the server.
- In the Preps application folder for your current version of Preps:
- Back up the templates, marks, and/or jobs that you will be moving or copying to the new version of Preps.
- Move the backup file out of the Preps application folder structure.
- Move or copy the templates, marks, and/or jobs from your current version of Preps to the appropriate folders in the new version of Preps.
You will need to copy them to the location where the templates and marks that are referenced in the PrepsPrinergy preference file reside.
This is usually C:\\Prinergy\CreoAraxi\AraxiPreps
. - On the primary server that has the new version of Preps installed:
- Go to
Preps > Utilities > Preps Template Migration Utility
(ensure that you are not in the Preps Migration Utility folder). On the Primary server it can be found here: C:\Prinergy\CreoAraxi\AraxiPreps\Utilities\Preps Template Migration Utility\
- Double-click
- Under Template and Marks Folder, click Select and browse to the Preps folder on the client that has the Templates and Marks subfolders with the files that will be migrated.
- Under Jobs Folder, click Select and browse to the Preps folder on the client that contains the Jobs folder with the jobs that will be converted.
Important: For the Jobs Folder setting, browse to the folder that contains the Jobs folder, not to the Jobs folder itself. If you direct the PTMU to the same level that the .job
files are in, it won't find them.
For both settings, this will be the same Preps folder that has the Preps Template Migration utility that you just launched
(This is usually C:\\Prinergy\CreoAraxi\AraxiPreps

- Click Start.
- Monitor the log file that lists all the templates that it finds and processes, as well as information about converted jobs. If there are no log entries, you are running the PTMU from the wrong location. Ensure that the utility you are using is in the same application folder as the templates and marks that you copied to the new Preps version.