Page tree

フィルタフロー アクション用のコードを編集して、特定イベントの内容を 2 つのグループに分割できます。
たとえば、ページの承認時にサイズの大きいページをある方法でプルーフし、残りのページを別の方法でプルーフする場合などがあります。フィルタフロー アクションを使用すると、この種類の分割を実行できます。
ユーザー インターフェイスのデフォルトでは 2 つのコード ブロックが作成されます。1 つ目のコードにはフィルタ用の True/False 条件が含まれており、もう 1 つのコードでは必要な各アイテムの条件をチェックして、[Accepted]リストまたは[Rejected]リストに追加します。
' =======================================================
' The ConfigureAction function implements a filter.
' It is called with the event which triggered the rule and the action.
' ================================================================
Public Sub ConfigureAction( _
ByVal triggerEvent As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.SurfaceFullEvent, _
ByVal action As Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.FilterAction)
'Create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim idx0 As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter reaches the end of the list)
Do While (idx0 < triggerEvent.Surfaces.Length)
Dim idx1 As Integer = 0
Do While (idx1 < triggerEvent.Surfaces(idx0).Separations.Length)
'Check to see if this item is Accepted or Rejected
If Me.IsAccepted(triggerEvent.Surfaces(idx0).Separations(idx1)) Then
'This is how we add an item to the Accepted list for the filter
'This is how we add an item to the Rejected list for the filter
End If
idx1 = (idx1 + 1)
idx0 = (idx0 + 1)
End Sub

' ==============================================================
' The condition functions test each item selected by the filter.
' If it returns true the item will be added to a list of items accepted by the filter.
' If it returns false the item will be added to a list of items rejected by the filter.
' =============================================================
Private Function Condition1( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return (item.NewApprovalState = _
End Function
Private Function Condition1( _
ByVal candidate As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Separation) As Boolean
'We return a TRUE if this item is accepted by the filter, a FALSE value if not
Return candidate.Color.IsProcessYellow
End Function

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