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Add a flow action to a rule to change the way that Prinergy event data is handled or to control the circumstances under which the next Prinergy action is performed.
Consider using a flow action to perform the following tasks:
- To check a condition before continuing, use a Branch action.
- To separate data into two groups, use a Filter Items action.

- To extract a specific item from a set of items, use a Select One Item action.

- To delay an action until a specific date and time, use a Timer (Absolute) action.

- To delay an action for a certain length of time (in seconds, minutes, or days), use a Timer (Relative) action.

- To delay an action until the next particular time, day of the week, or day of the month (such as the first day of the next month), use a Timer (Scheduled) action.

Note: To make an action repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, use the Windows AT Scheduler to run the Raise Event tool.
- To apply an action to a one item at a time from a group of items, use a Split action.

- To repeat an action continuously on an item or a group of items, use a Repeat action.

- To ensure that the split or repeat actions occur in a sequence, not at the same time, use a Next action.