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  • Kodak Insite Prepress Portal—a Web portal that lets you (the printer) and your customers (print buyers) work with print jobs over the Internet.
  • Kodak InSite Creative workflow—a server-based solution for the management of digital assets that is designed to support registering, locating, and repurposing of images, content, and artwork.
  • Kodak Insite Storefront—a Web portal through which printers display their available products and print buyers place orders.
  • Kodak Press Proof—a monitor proofing solution for the press room.
  • Kodak TIFF Assembler Plus—assembly software that provides efficient tools for the arrangement of 1-bit TIFF files on a layout for plate making and film imaging.
  • Kodak Business Link software—software that automates the exchange of production data between a prepress workflow system and a Management Information System (MIS).
  • Kodak Preps digital imposition software—imposition software for the commercial printing industry.
  • Kodak Pandora step-and-repeat software—software that creates packaging layouts.
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