This dialog box has two different names. The name is Copy Job when you are copying a job and Copy Pre-Job when you are copying a pre-job.
The dialog box displays the settings that were entered when the last job was copied.


The menu and the list work together to navigate groups.
When the menu displays:

    • Groups on <server name>, the list displays the groups on the specified server
    • A group name, the list displays the contents of the specified group, including jobs and groups

When you click the menu, you see the path of the displayed item in reverse order. For example, if the menu displays a subgroup, when you click the menu, you see the name of the group that the subgroup is in, followed by Groups on <server name>.



Opens the selected item.

New Group

Click this button to display the Create New Group dialog box, which you use to create a new group (rather than selecting an existing group) in which to copy the new job or pre-job.



Lists the servers on which you can copy jobs and pre-jobs. The Server list is available only if you have more than one server.


Lists the volumes on the server that you selected in the Server list. The Volume list is available only if your system has more than one shared volume.

Create new Job/Pre-Job as

Type a name for the new job or pre-job. The name must:

  • Be unique, even if other jobs or pre-jobs are created in different groups
  • Not be the same as the group name-to avoid confusion
  • Not include the following special characters: \ / : ' \ " ? * < > |
    Note: Do not use the special character % in the name of a job that is intended for output on a digital press.
  • Not start or end with a space character or end with a . (period)
  • No labels