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The Prinergy Digital Print Hot folder utility creates a hot folder that automatically runs the Xerox FreeFlow Print Manager software in the background as a command-line tool when a file is dropped into the hot folder.

The Prinergy Digital Print Hot folder utility cannot be installed on Windows 2008 or later operating system. [PRINERGY-34545]

  1. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Obtain the Prinergy Digital Print Hot folder utility from the Prinergy Installation CD.
    • Download the Prinergy Digital Print bundle from the Kodak services and support portal.
  2. Install the Prinergy Digital Print Hot folder utility.
  3. Start the Prinergy Digital Print Hot folder utility.
  4. Create a JDF hot folder in the <drive>:\PDP_Hotfolder folder. In Prinergy, <drive> is J.
    The hot folder must be local to the Prinergy primary server. You cannot put the hot folder on a network share.
    For JDF hot folders, only the JDF file is placed in the hot folder <drive>:\PDF_Hotfolder\JDF_Input. The PDF file should be placed somewhere else. By default, the PDP hot folder installation creates a regular folder for PDF files in <drive>:\PDP_Hotfolder\PDL_Input.
    If you need to change the hot folder settings (for example, to change the location of the hot folder), reinstall the hot folder to overwrite the settings.

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