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Specifies the number of copies in the output


Specifies a scaling option. Select one of the following options:

  • None—turns off scaling
  • Percentage Scale—enables you to scale an image up or down. You can specify a 1% to a 400% scale percentage. Type 1% to 99% to shrink an image; 101% to 400% to enlarge an image. X is horizontal, and Y is vertical. Two decimal places are allowed. Non-uniform scaling is allowed.
  • Reduce to Fit Media—scales the image to fit the layout, if the image is too large for the layout. If the image fits the layout, the image is not scaled. Select this option only when a proof, scaled to an unspecified reduction, is acceptable. You do not need to select Oversize Proofs: crop image first in the Layout Editor when you select the Reduce to Fit Media

Note: If you want to edit the image, edit the image before you scale it. After an image is scaled, the image size is calculated and later edits to the image in the hot folder are not included.

Rotate image 90 degrees

Rotates the file 90 degrees before it is RIPed. (The rotation option in the Sheet Editor rotates the image after RIPing completes.) Rotating a file after RIPing it can introduce artifacts on printers running at an asymmetric resolution such as 1440 x 720 dpi.

When you select the Rotate image 90 degrees check box and turn on scaling, the software rotates the file, and then scales it.

Color Gradation

Enables manual color adjustments of proofs using curves. Click Set to adjust the curves. Adjustments apply only to CMYK colors; they are not applied to spot colors.

Note: When you enable color gradation, you cannot use the Certified Process for Color Confirmation and separated input files.

Note: Color gradation is available only for Matchprint Inkjet proofers.


Enables you to type a comment that appears in the caption

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