Page tree

Any PDF file refined and trapped using the Trap JTP will contain an identifying trapped by icon. You can use the icon to check when the page was trapped, or remove the icon from the page.
The trapped by icon appears in the upper-left corner of the page when it is opened in Acrobat. This is a standard Acrobat annotation that does not print.Trap JTP is used both when you trap using the refine process template, and when you trap using PDF Trap Editor.

You can check the date of a trapped page, or remove the trapped icon.

  1. Check the date that the page was trapped:
  2. Delete the trapped by icon by performing one of the following:



In Mac OS:

  1. Press Command, and click the icon.
  2. From the list, select Delete
In Windows:
  1. Right-click the icon.
  2. From the list, select Delete.

Note: If you refine a file to PDF/X, the icon does not appear, because the PDF/X standard does not allow annotations.

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