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The Kodak Prinergy DotShop software is a Kodak plug-in for the Adobe Acrobat software that lets you select and edit halftone screening in Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
DotShop has access to licensed screen instances on your Kodak Prinergy system that you can apply to objects in a PDF file. A screen instance consists of a specific screen system, dot shape, line ruling, dot size, angle set, and angle orientation.
You customize screen instances for your printing environment using the separate Kodak Prinergy DotShop Composer software that is installed on your Prinergy server. These customized screen instances are saved in a file of screen instances that are automatically made available to DotShop.

Use DotShop screen instances to edit halftone screening in a PDF file for:

  • Objects on a page or in artwork
  • Groups of objects on a page or in artwork
  • Entire pages or artwork

Prinergy DotShop will work with Adobe Acrobat 8 or later. For information about client computer requirements for Acrobat, see the Adobe documentation.


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