Identifies the spot tint percentage for which you are editing a value. Each tint definition should be at least 9.8% apart, and you can use one decimal place.
Identifies the target L* value. For example, you may have spectrophotometer measurements of the spot tint, or you may have averaged several measurements of the spot tint to derive the target value. The L* value must be between 0.01 and 100.0.
Identifies the target a* value. The a* value must be between -128.00 and +127.99.
Identifies the target b* value. The b* value must be between -128.00 and +127.99.
Note: After you enter the L*a*b* target values, the software checks the values. If the values are perceived to possibly cause undesirable results, the software displays a warning message with information on how to change the values. However, you are not required to change the values.
Color patch
Displays a visual estimation (in RGB color space) of the tint defined in L*a*b* color space. The color patch appears after you enter the L*a*b* values.
Parent topic: Spot tint libraries |