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The Optimize section of a refine process template defines how Prinergy optimizes high-resolution images in input files.
This section is required and cannot be disabled.
Note: If using PDF Preflight, the Optimize section is unavailable because the preflight profile is controlling these options.


Select a job ticket processor (JTP) to use for optimizing.
Note: You set up JTPs using Prinergy Administrator.

Color Images


Enables downsampling of color images. When enabled the system downsamples color images to the value set in the Down to box, using the method selected in the list.
Select the Resample check box to enable downsampling of color images, and then select a type of downsampling:

  • Select Average for faster, less accurate downsampling.
  • Select Bicubic for slower but more accurate downsampling.

Clear the Resample check box to disable downsampling of color images.

Down to

Specifies the resolution to which the system downsamples images.
The Down to box in the Color Images area applies to color images.
The Down to box in the Grayscale Images area applies to grayscale images.
In the Down to box, type the resolution to which you want the system to downsample images.
Recommended setting: double the lpi value. For example, 400 ppi for 200 lpi, 300 ppi for 150 lpi, 170 ppi for 85 lpi.
Note: The Down to and the if Above options are linked by ratio. When you change the Down to value, the if Above value changes according to the existing ratio between the two options.

if Above

Specifies the minimum resolution an image must be for the system to downsample it. The system does not downsample images with a resolution below the number specified in this option.
The if Above box in the Color Images area applies to color images.
The if Above box in the Grayscale Images area applies to grayscale images.
In the if Above box, type the minimum resolution an image must be for the system to downsample it.
Note: The Down to and the if Above options are linked by ratio. This ratio is the actual value stored in each process template, and it is stored as an integer. When you open a process template, the system calculates the if Above value from the Down to value and the ratio between the two options. When you change the if Above value, the Down to value stays the same, but the system rounds the if Above value to the nearest integer, according to the ratio between the two options.


Compresses color images using the selected compression format.
Select None to disable image compression.
Select JPEG (Lossy) to compress images using a JPEG format.
Select ZIP (Lossless) to compress images using the ZIP format.


Applies to JPEG compression options only.
Select a level of compression from the list. The compression level decreases as the quality level increases.
Note: The Quality settings do not apply to images that are JPEG-compressed prior to being submitted to refine. That is, JPEG-compressed images in input files will remain as-is regardless of the setting selected. 

Grayscale Images


Enables downsampling of grayscale images. When enabled, the system downsamples grayscale images to the value set in the Down to box, using the method selected in the list.
Select the Resample check box to enable downsampling of grayscale images, and then select a type of downsampling:

  • Select Average for faster, less accurate downsampling.
  • Select Bicubic for slower but more accurate downsampling.

Clear the Resample check box to disable downsampling of grayscale images.

Down to

Specifies the resolution to which the system downsamples images.
The Down to box in the Color Images area applies to color images
The Down to box in the Grayscale Images area applies to grayscale images.
In the Down to box, type the resolution to which you want the system to downsample images.
Recommended setting: double the lpi value. For example, 400 ppi for 200 lpi, 300 ppi for 150 lpi, 170 ppi for 85 lpi.
Note: The Down to and the if Above options are linked by ratio. When you change the Down to value, the if Above value changes according to the existing ratio between the two options.

if Above

Specifies the minimum resolution an image must be for the system to downsample it. The system does not downsample images with a resolution below the number specified in this option.
The if Above box in the Color Images area applies to color images.
The if Above box in the Grayscale Images area applies to grayscale images.
In the if Above box, type the minimum resolution an image must be for the system to downsample it.
Note: The Down to and the if Above options are linked by ratio. This ratio is the actual value stored in each process template, and it is stored as an integer. When you open a process template, the system calculates the if Above value from the Down to value and the ratio between the two options. When you change the if Above value, the Down to value stays the same, but the system rounds the if Above value to the nearest integer, according to the ratio between the two options.


Compresses grayscale images using the selected compression format.
Select None to disable image compression.
Select JPEG (Lossy) to compress images using a JPEG format.
Select ZIP (Lossless) to compress images using the ZIP format.


Applies to JPEG compression options only.
Select a level of compression from the list. The compression level decreases as the quality level increases.
Note: The Quality settings do not apply to images that are JPEG-compressed prior to being submitted to refine. That is, JPEG-compressed images in input files will remain as-is regardless of the setting selected. 

Color & Grayscale Alternate Images


Generates alternate low-resolution images of the images in the input file. An alternate image is used when creating low resolution PDFs from Publish to PDF File, or Vector output from Prinergy, or InSite Prepress Portal.
Select the Generate check box to enable alternate images; clear the Generate check box to disable alternate images.


Determines the resolution of alternate images.
Type the resolution at which you want Prinergy to generate alternate images.

if Above

When you select the Generate check box, images with a ppi above this value are downsampled to the value set in the at ppi box. Images below this value are not downsampled.


Compresses color and grayscale images using the selected compression format.
Select JPEG (Lossy) to compress images using a JPEG format.
Select ZIP (Lossless) to compress images using the ZIP format.

Color Space Control

Digital Master Control

The color space control settings let you screen for input file data that is in nonpress (nonCMYK or nongrayscale) color spaces.
The Digital Master Control option works in conjunction with the Detect RGB and Detect Device Independent check boxes.
You select a Digital Master Control option to indicate how you want Prinergy to respond when it locates data in a nonpress color space. You select the Detect RGB and/or Detect Device Independent check boxes to indicate what type of data you want Prinergy to detect.
Note: Settings in the ColorConvert section of the refine process template determine if and how the undesired color spaces are converted.
Select Ignore if you want Prinergy to ignore RGB or device-independent data in input files. If you select Ignore the Detect RGB and Detect Device Independent check boxes are unavailable and cannot be selected. If Prinergy encounters RGB or device-independent data, it gives no message and doesn't fail the job.
Select Warn if you want Prinergy to issue a warning if the selected data type is found in the input file. A warning message and yellow triangle appear in the Process Info dialog box and job history for each check box that is selected. A PDF page is created. A large X does not cover the content.
Select Fail to have Prinergy fail the job when the selected data type is found in the input file. An error message and red X appear in the Process Info dialog box and job history for each check box that is selected. A PDF page is created but is covered by a large black X.
You can set these same options in the Normalize section of the refine process template. You can enable the color space control settings in either the Normalize section or the Optimize section, or both. Turning the settings on in the Optimize section allows you to check that color conversion was performed in the refine stage as you expected.
You might want to warn only about RGB and CIE-based color spaces in the Normalize section, because you are converting them in the Color Matcher, but warn during optimizing about CIE-based color spaces that the Color Matcher wasn't set up to convert.

Detect RGB

Select to have Prinergy detect RGB data in the input file.
The Digital Master Control selection determines what Prinergy will do if it finds RGB data.
The Detect RGB check box is unavailable if the Digital Master Control selection is Ignore.

Detect Device Independent (ICC-Based, Lab, CalGray, and CalRGB)

Select this option to have Prinergy detect device-independent data in the input file, for example L*a*b* data.
The selection for Digital Master Control determines Prinergy's actions when it finds device-independent data.
The Detect Device Independent check box is unavailable if the Digital Master Control selection is set to Ignore.

Separated File Control

These control settings let you detect nongray images (raster data) and nongray vector data in separated input files.
In each of the Detect Non Gray Images and the Detect Non Gray Vector Data lists, select one of the following options:

  • Ignore—no warning is issued
  • Warn—a warning is issued when Prinergy detects nongray data (of the type specified)
  • Fail—the refine process fails when Prinergy detects nongray data (of the type specified)

Detect painted colorants in

Select the area of the PDF page from which painted colorants are extracted.
Select Entire Page to extract painted colorants from the entire PDF page.
Select Media Box to extract painted colorants from the media box only.
Select Trim Box to extract painted colorants from the trim box only.
For example, there might be objects outside the trim box painted in cyan. If there are no cyan objects inside the trim box and you select this option, then there will be no cyan in the list of colors for the page and you will not have a cyan separation to print.
Selecting Media Box or Trim Box might decrease performance.

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