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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space KPS and version 8.5


Creates a layout that uses multiple 1-up sheets to print a complete image when the image is larger than the imageable area of one sheet


Specifies how much of the top of a proof to crop in a tiled layout. This is useful for large proofs that have existing margins within the original image.


Specifies how much of the left side of a proof to crop in a tiled layout. This is useful for large proofs that have existing margins within the original image.


Specifies how much of the bottom of a proof to crop in a tiled layout. This is useful for large proofs that have existing margins within the original image.


Specifies how much of the right side of a proof to crop in a tiled layout. This is useful for large proofs that have existing margins within the original image.

Horizontal (Overlap)

Only applies if Tiled is selected. If a proof extends beyond the bottom of the sheet, this value determines how much of a proof to duplicate on the next sheet.

Vertical (Overlap)

Only applies if Tiled is selected. If a proof extends beyond the right side of the sheet, this value determines how much of the proof to duplicate on the next sheet.

Allow Rotate to Fit

Specifies whether to create a layout that automatically rotates the proof to best fit the sheet.

When enabled, the Allow Rotate to Fit option requires the render resolution setting for the media configuration to be symmetrical, for example 720 × 720 dpi. When the render resolution setting is asymmetrical, for example 1440 × 720 dpi, proofs are not rotated to fit the sheet, even when you select the Allow Rotate to Fit option. Use the Media Configuration Editor to set and view render resolution settings for media configuration files.

When enabled, the Allow Rotate to Fit option requires the render resolution setting for the media configuration to be symmetrical. When the render resolution setting is asymmetrical, proofs are not rotated to fit the sheet, even when you select the Allow Rotate to Fit option.

Parent topic: Layout Editor dialog box