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  • PTSUMService - Scans the AraxiPreps/Templates folder and updates the "PrepsTemplateSummary.xml" (located in \\<PrinergyPrimary>\AraxiPreps\Resources folder) to improve Launch performance on a Mac or Win workstation. The list is populated in the Layouts section of the Preps UI.
  • PMSUMService - Scans the AraxiPreps/Marks/SmartMarks folder and updates the "SmartMarksSummary.json" (located in \\<PrinergyPrimary>\AraxiPreps\Resources folder) to improve Launch performance on a Mac or Win workstation. The list is populated in the Marks section of the Preps UI.
  • PryFileSyncService - Syncs the AraxiPreps/Templates and AraxiPreps/Marks/SmartMarks folders with local Preps Resources to improve Save and Return performance on a Windows workstation. The lists are populated in the Templates and Marks sections of the Preps UI.
  • Save and Return performance enhancements for Mac workstations are built into the Preps application.for MacOS - We are developing a unified solution that utilizes a cache server to improve performance for Save and Return on Mac Workstations.  

Please contact the Customer Engagement Center for install and additional details.


  • Relocate older/unused Templates or Marks to a folder outside of the AraxiPreps/Templates and AraxiPreps/Marks/SmartMarks folders. If needed, you can copy individual files back when required.
  • Rename any files that include illegal characters.
  • Remove any Remove any unexpected file types. Open a file explorer window. Navigate to the SmartMarks or Templates folders. In the search field type "NOT *.smk" or "NOT *.tpl" for a list of files that are unexpected. (All folders will also populate. We are concerned with unexpected file types.)
    • AraxiPreps/Templates = include ".tpl" extension only
    • AraxiPreps/Marks/SmartMarks = include ".smk" extension only
  • Rename any files that include illegal characters.

Disclaimer: Please note PREPS integrated with PRINERGY will use the resources located within the PRINERGY server’s AraxiPreps folder by default. Using a customized workflow where PREPS is directed to an alternate folder of assets may cause unexpected results. Kodak technical support does not engage in creating or troubleshooting this type of workflow. If the customer creates this type of workflow on their own, they acknowledge and accept the risks associated.

Known Limitations

Referenced PRDescriptionFixed Version
PREPS-16572 Preps Marks pane Issue - Marks lists are duplicated each time the group folder is expanded or added to a layout (Win Only) (KMS Only)Preps 9.0.1
PREPS-16570 Preps 9 UI - Layouts pane displays new saved templates at root of Templates folder instead of defined folder (KMS ONLY)Preps 9.0.1
PREPS-16615Preps 9 does not populate nested SmartMark subfolders/files in a KMS Environment - WINPreps 9.0.2
PRINERGY-52400   Workshop does not complete the handshake when more than one user is running Preps interactively in multiple sessionsPrinergy 9.0.1