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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space IPP and version 11.0
Sv translation

The tasks that a user can perform in the software depend on the user's role. A role is a collection of user rights. By combining certain user rights into roles, you enable users to carry out actions in your workflow.

For staff users:

The following levels of roles are available:

  • System roles: Actions in the administrative workflow for the entire system, such as configuring branding and managing roles. 
  • Customer roles: Actions in a customer's administrative workflow, such as managing a customer account. When this role is given to a user, its name changes to Admin role. 
  • Job roles: Actions in the workflow for job creation and approval, such as uploading files. 

When the software is installed, it contains predefined roles that you can assign to users. If you have a system role that includes the Manage Roles user right, you can edit these roles and create new roles.

For customer users:

The following levels of roles are available:

  • Admin roles: Actions in your administrative workflow, such as managing your customer account.
  • Job roles: Actions in the workflow for job creation and approval, such as uploading files.
Sv translation


スタッフ ユーザーの場合:


  • システム権限:ブランドの構成や権限の管理などの、システム全体の管理ワークフローに含まれる操作。 
  • 顧客権限:顧客アカウントの管理など、顧客の管理ワークフローに含まれる操作。ユーザーにこの権限を与えると、権限名が管理権限になります。 
  • ジョブ権限:ジョブの作成と承認のワークフローでの操作(ファイルのアップロードなど)。 




  • 管理権限:顧客アカウントの管理などの、管理ワークフローに含まれる操作。
  • ジョブ権限:ジョブの作成と承認のワークフローでの操作(ファイルのアップロードなど)。