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Sv translation

You can edit the code for action parameters that involve arrays of objects.
Many action parameters in Prinergy require lists (or arrays) of objects. For example, the Refine action needs a list of input files to refine, and the Perform Loose Page Output action needs a list of pages. Many event properties are also lists. For example, the Page Approval Changed event provides a list of pages where the approval status has changed.
Working with these arrays in code is considerably more complex than working with simple assignments.

Simple array assignment

When you want to pass all the members of an event property array to an action parameter array, the code looks the same as a simple assignment:

'This takes ALL the input files from the event and gives them to the action
action.InputFiles = triggerEvent.InputFiles

Using ArrayLists

ArrayLists are useful because they are untyped and unsized . They will expand as you add to them and you can put anything in them.

'Create an ArrayList and add items to it
Dim oArray As System.Collections.ArrayList = New
oArray.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("c:\", "*.pdf"))

Converting ArrayLists to other arrays

After you have prepared the ArrayList, you probably need to convert it into other arrays to be used within the rules—arrays that are typed and sized.
ArrayList has a ToArray method that will copy the elements of the ArrayList to an array of a given type.

' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation Pages
Dim oAlist As System.Collections.ArrayList ' . . . fill with contents
action.Pages =


The ToArray method only works if the contents of the ArrayList can be cast to the type you specify. If not, a runtime error appears. You must manually convert each item in the ArrayList to the array. For example, you cannot cast a String to a FileSystemItem, but you can use the CreateFrom factory method to create a FileSystemItem from a String.

' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation FileSystemItems.
Dim oFSIArray() As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem = _
New Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem(oAList.count
- 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To oAList.Count - 1
oFSIArray(i) = _
Next i


Flattening nested arrays

Sometimes the data that you want to assign to an action parameter are spread over the members of an array in the event properties. For example, the results of a Refine action are available from an Input Files Refine OK event. When you look into that event, you see that it has the following properties:

Input Files Refined Successfully

The list of input files that refined successfully


Refine process

Event time

Time that the event was processed

Root event

First event in the sequence

Previous Event

Previous event in the sequence

Where are the pages? Each of the refined input files has its own list of pages that were created from it. In other words, each member of the InputFiles array contains an array of pages.
To pass a list of all the refined pages to an action such as Perform Loose Page Output, we need a way to reach into each input file and build a collection of all the pages.

'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'We reach into the ith Input File and add its Pages array to our
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages =

Filtering an array

Another common requirement is the ability to filter parts of a list that you are not interested in. For example, you might want a simple way to create imposition proofs of only the front surfaces of every signature in your job. You want to pass to the Imposed Proof action a list of surfaces that has all the back surfaces filtered out.

'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.Surfaces.Length)
'We look at the ith Surface and add it to our list if it is “Front”
If triggerEvent.Surfaces(i).Side = "Front" Then
End If
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Surfaces and assign it to
'Surfaces parameter of the action
action.Surfaces =

Filtering and flattening arrays

Combining the two patterns for flattening and filtering gives us the most power of all. In this example, we want a list of all the refined pages that are larger than 8.5 x 11. Since we need to look at every page in order to determine its size, this requires us to introduce a second loop. The outer loop goes through all the input files, while the inner (nested) loop goes through all the refined pages for each input file.

'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList

'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0

'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i &lt; triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)

'Create a second counter and make a second loop to go through all
' the pages for input file i
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While (j &lt; triggerEvent.InputFiles(i).Pages.Length)

'Grab the jth Page from the ith Input File
Dim thePage As Page = triggerEvent.InputFiles(i).Pages(j)

'See if the page is larger than 8.5 x 11 (in points) – if so add it to our list
If (thePage.TrimSize.x &gt; 8.5*72 AND thePage.TrimSize.y &gt; 11*72) Then
End If

'Increment the value of j
j = (j + 1)

'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)


'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))

Sv translation

Sie können den Code für Aktionsparameter bearbeiten, die Arrays von Objekten umfassen.
Für viele Aktionsparameter in Prinergy sind Listen (oder Arrays) von Objekten erforderlich. Beispielsweise wird für die Aktion Refinen eine Liste von Eingabedateien für das Refining und für die Aktion Einzelseitenausgabe durchführen eine Liste von Seiten benötigt. Zahlreiche Ereigniseigenschaften bilden ebenfalls Listen. Beispielsweise stellt das Ereignis Seitengenehmigung geändert eine Liste von Seiten bereit, deren Abnahmestatus geändert wurde.
Die Arbeit mit solchen Arrays in Code gestaltet sich wesentlich komplexer als die mit einfachen Zuordnungen.

Einfache Arrayzuordnung
Wenn Sie alle Elemente eines Ereigniseigenschaften-Arrays an ein Aktionsparameter-Array übergeben möchten, gleicht der Code einer einfachen Zuordnung:
'This takes ALL the input files from the event and gives them to the action
action.InputFiles = triggerEvent.InputFiles
Verwenden von ArrayLists
ArrayLists sind nützlich, da Typ und Größe nicht festgelegt sind. Wenn Sie Elemente hinzufügen, werden sie erweitert, und alle Arten von Elementen können hinzugefügt werden.
'Create an ArrayList and add items to it
Dim oArray As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
oArray.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("c:\", "*.pdf"))
Konvertieren von ArrayLists in andere Arrays
Wenn Sie die ArrayList vorbereitet haben, müssen Sie diese wahrscheinlich in andere Arrays konvertieren, die in den Regeln verwendet werden, d. h. in Arrays, deren Typ und Größe festgelegt sind.
ArrayList besitzt eine ToArray-Methode, mit der die Elemente der ArrayList in ein Array eines bestimmten Typs kopiert werden können.
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation Pages
Dim oAlist As System.Collections.ArrayList ' . . . fill with contents
action.Pages = oAList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
Die ToArray-Methode funktioniert nur, wenn der Inhalt der ArrayList in den von Ihnen angegebenen Typ umgewandelt werden kann. Andernfalls tritt ein Laufzeitfehler auf. Jedes Element in der ArrayList muss manuell in das Array konvertiert werden. Beispielsweise können Sie keinen String in ein FileSystemItem umwandeln. Sie können jedoch mithilfe der CreateFrom-Factory-Methode ein FileSystemItem aus einem String erstellen.
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation FileSystemItems.
Dim oFSIArray() As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem = _
New Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem(oAList.count - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To oAList.Count - 1
oFSIArray(info) = _
Next i
Vereinfachen verschachtelter Arrays
In manchen Fällen sind die Daten, die Sie einem Aktionsparameter zuordnen möchten, über die Elemente eines Arrays in den Ereigniseigenschaften verteilt. Beispielsweise sind die Ergebnisse einer Aktion Refinen in einem Ereignis Eingabedateien refinen OK verfügbar. Dieses Ereignis enthält die folgenden Eigenschaften:

Erfolgreich einem Refining unterzogene Eingabedateien

Die Liste der Eingabedateien, die erfolgreich einem Refining unterzogen wurden




Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem das Ereignis verarbeitet wurde


Erstes Ereignis in der Abfolge

Vorheriges Ereignis

Vorheriges Ereignis in der Abfolge

Wo befinden sich die Seiten? Zu jeder Eingabedatei, die das Refining durchlaufen haben, gibt es eine Liste von Seiten, die daraus erstellt wurden. Das heißt, jedes Element des InputFiles-Arrays enthält ein Array von Seiten.
Wenn Sie eine Liste aller einem Refining unterzogenen Seiten an eine Aktion wie Einzelseitenausgabe durchführen übergeben möchten, muss auf jede einzelne Eingabedatei zugegriffen und eine Auflistung aller Seiten erstellt werden.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'We reach into the ith Input File and add its Pages array to our list
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
Filtern eines Arrays
Häufig ist es wichtig, die irrelevanten Teile einer Liste herauszufiltern. Beispielsweise wäre es nützlich, nur die Ausschieß-Proofs für die Vorderseiten-Formen jeder Signatur im Job zu erstellen. Dazu müssten Sie an die Aktion Ausschieß-Proof eine Liste von Formen übergeben, aus der sämtliche Rückseiten-Formen herausgefiltert wurden.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.Surfaces.Length)
'We look at the ith Surface and add it to our list if it is "Front"
If triggerEvent.Surfaces(info).Side = "Front" Then
End If
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Surfaces and assign it to the
'Surfaces parameter of the action
action.Surfaces =
Filtern und Vereinfachen von Arrays
Wenn Sie die beiden Muster zum Vereinfachen und Filtern kombinieren, ergeben sich die meisten Optionen. In diesem Beispiel benötigen wir eine Liste aller einem Refining unterzogenen Seiten, die größer als 8,5 x 11 sind. Da jede Seite überprüft werden muss, um die Größe zu ermitteln, wird eine zweite Schleife benötigt. Die äußere Schleife durchläuft alle Eingabedateien, während die innere (geschachtelte) Schleife für jede Eingabedatei alle einem Refining unterzogenen Seiten durchläuft.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'Create a second counter and make a second loop to go through all
' the pages for input file i
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While (j < triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages.Length)
'Grab the jth Page from the ith Input File
Dim thePage As Page = triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages(j)
'See if the page is larger than 8.5 x 11 (in points) – if so add it to our list
If (thePage.TrimSize.x > 8.5*72 AND thePage.TrimSize.y > 11*72) Then
End If
'Increment the value of j
j = (j + 1)
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))

Sv translation


'This takes ALL the input files from the event and gives them to the action
action.InputFiles = triggerEvent.InputFiles
使用 ArrayList
ArrayList 非常有用,因为它们无类型且大小可变。向其中添加内容时,它们会增大,并且您可以向其中放入任何内容。
'Create an ArrayList and add items to it
Dim oArray As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
oArray.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("c:\", "*.pdf"))
将 ArrayList 转换为其他数组
在准备 ArrayList 之后,可能需要将它转换为要在规则内使用的其他数组 - 有类型且大小不变的数组。
ArrayList 具有 ToArray 方法,该方法将 ArrayList 的元素复制到给定类型的数组中。
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation Pages
Dim oAlist As System.Collections.ArrayList ' . . . fill with contents
action.Pages = oAList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
仅当 ArrayList 的内容可以通过强制类型转换来转换为指定类型时,ToArray 方法才起作用。如果无法转换,则会发生运行时错误。您必须手动将 ArrayList 中的每一项转换为数组。例如,无法将 String 通过强制类型转换转换为 FileSystemItem,但可以使用 CreateFrom 工厂方法来基于 String 创建 FileSystemItem。
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation FileSystemItems.
Dim oFSIArray() As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem = _
New Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem(oAList.count - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To oAList.Count - 1
oFSIArray(info) = _
Next i











页面位于何处?每个已精炼输入文件都具有自己的基于输入文件创建的页面列表。也就是说,InputFiles 数组的每个成员都包含一个页面数组。
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'We reach into the ith Input File and add its Pages array to our list
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.Surfaces.Length)
'We look at the ith Surface and add it to our list if it is "Front"
If triggerEvent.Surfaces(info).Side = "Front" Then
End If
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Surfaces and assign it to the
'Surfaces parameter of the action
action.Surfaces =
结合过滤和合并两种模式可以实现最大的功能。在此示例中,我们希望得到尺寸大于 8.5 x 11 的所有已精炼页面的列表。因为需要检查每个页面来确定其尺寸,所以这需要引入第二个循环。外部循环遍历所有输入文件,而内部(嵌套)循环遍历每个输入文件的所有已精炼页面。
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'Create a second counter and make a second loop to go through all
' the pages for input file i
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While (j < triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages.Length)
'Grab the jth Page from the ith Input File
Dim thePage As Page = triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages(j)
'See if the page is larger than 8.5 x 11 (in points) – if so add it to our list
If (thePage.TrimSize.x > 8.5*72 AND thePage.TrimSize.y > 11*72) Then
End If
'Increment the value of j
j = (j + 1)
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))

Sv translation

Es posible editar el código de los parámetros de acciones que impliquen matrices de objetos.
Muchos parámetros de acción en Prinergy requieren listas (o matrices) de objetos. Por ejemplo, la acción Afinar necesita una lista de archivos de entrada para afinarlos y la acción Efectuar salida de página suelta requiere una lista de páginas. Muchas propiedades de eventos son también listas. Por ejemplo, el evento Aprobación de página cambiada proporciona una lista de páginas cuyo estado de aprobación ha cambiado.
Trabajar con estas matrices en código es considerablemente más complejo que trabajar con asignaciones sencillas.

Asignación de matrices sencillas
Si desea pasar todos los miembros de una matriz de propiedades de eventos a una matriz de parámetros de acción, el código tiene el mismo aspecto que una asignación sencilla:
'This takes ALL the input files from the event and gives them to the action
action.InputFiles = triggerEvent.InputFiles
Uso de listas de matrices (ArrayLists)
Las listas de matrices (ArrayLists) son útiles porque no tienen asignado ningún tipo ni ningún tamaño. Su tamaño aumenta a medida que se le agregan elementos y se puede colocar cualquier cosa en ellas.
'Create an ArrayList and add items to it
Dim oArray As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
oArray.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("c:\", "*.pdf"))
Conversión de listas de matrices (ArrayLists) en otras matrices
Después de preparar la lista de matrices (ArrayList), es probable que necesite convertirla en otras matrices que se puedan usar en las reglas: matrices con un tipo y un tamaño especificados.
Las listas de matrices (ArrayList) tienen un método "a matriz" (ToArray) que permite copiar los elementos de las listas en una matriz del tipo ArrayList.
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation Pages
Dim oAlist As System.Collections.ArrayList ' . . . fill with contents
action.Pages = oAList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
El método ToArray sólo funciona si el contenido de ArrayList se puede asignar al tipo especificado. En caso contrario, se mostrará un error de tiempo de ejecución. Es necesario convertir manualmente cada elemento incluido en ArrayList a la matriz. Por ejemplo, no se puede asignar un elemento String a un FileSystemItem, pero se puede usar el método de fábrica CreateFrom para crear un FileSystemItem a partir de un elemento String.
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation FileSystemItems.
Dim oFSIArray() As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem = _
New Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem(oAList.count - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To oAList.Count - 1
oFSIArray(info) = _
Next i
Desanidamiento de matrices
En ocasiones, los datos que se deben asignar a un parámetro de acción están dispersos por los miembros de una matriz en las propiedades de evento. Por ejemplo, los resultados de una acción Afinar están disponibles a partir de un evento Afinado de archivos de entrada correcto. Cuando se consulta el evento, se aprecia que incluye las siguientes propiedades:

Archivos de entrada afinados correctamente

Lista de archivos de entrada que se han afinado correctamente


Proceso de afinado

Hora del evento

La hora a la que se ha procesado el evento.

Evento raíz

Primer evento de la secuencia

Evento anterior

Evento anterior en la secuencia

¿Dónde están las páginas? Cada uno de los archivos de entrada afinados tiene su propia lista de páginas creadas a partir de ellos. Es decir, cada miembro de la matriz InputFiles incluye una matriz de páginas.
Para pasar una lista con todas las páginas afinadas a una acción como Efectuar salida de página suelta, se necesita una forma de acceder a cada archivo de entrada y crear una colección con todas las páginas.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'We reach into the ith Input File and add its Pages array to our list
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
Filtrado de una matriz
Otro requisito frecuente es la necesidad de filtrar partes de una lista que carecen de interés. Por ejemplo, puede que desee utilizar una forma sencilla de crear pruebas de imposición sólo de los anversos de los pliegos de un trabajo. Desea pasar a la acción Prueba de imposición una lista de superficies que excluya todas las superficies de los reversos.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.Surfaces.Length)
'We look at the ith Surface and add it to our list if it is "Front"
If triggerEvent.Surfaces(info).Side = "Front" Then
End If
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Surfaces and assign it to the
'Surfaces parameter of the action
action.Surfaces =
Filtrado y desanidamiento de matrices
El hecho de combinar los dos patrones para desanidar y filtrar las matrices aporta la mayor capacidad de control. En este ejemplo, queremos obtener una lista con todas las páginas afinadas cuyo tamaño sea superior a 8,5 x 11. Dado que es necesario mirar todas las páginas para determinar su tamaño, resulta necesario introducir un segundo bucle. El bucle externo pasa por todos los archivos de entrada, mientras que el interno (anidado) pasa por todas las páginas afinadas de cada archivo de entrada.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'Create a second counter and make a second loop to go through all
' the pages for input file i
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While (j < triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages.Length)
'Grab the jth Page from the ith Input File
Dim thePage As Page = triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages(j)
'See if the page is larger than 8.5 x 11 (in points) – if so add it to our list
If (thePage.TrimSize.x > 8.5*72 AND thePage.TrimSize.y > 11*72) Then
End If
'Increment the value of j
j = (j + 1)
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))

Sv translation

Vous pouvez modifier le code des paramètres d'action qui impliquent des matrices d'objets.
De nombreux paramètres d'action dans Prinergy requièrent des listes (ou matrices) d'objets. Par exemple, l'action Raffiner nécessite une liste de fichiers d'entrée à raffiner et l'action Réaliser une sortie de pages non-imposées requiert une liste de pages. De nombreuses propriétés d'événement sont également des listes. Par exemple, l'événement Approbation de la page modifiée fournit une liste des pages dans lesquelles l'état d'approbation a changé.
Travailler avec ces matrices codées est bien plus complexe que de travailler avec de simples affectations.

Simple attribution de matrices
Lorsque vous souhaitez transférer tous les membres d'une matrice de propriété d'événement vers une matrice de paramètre d'action, le code est semblable à celui d'une simple attribution :
'This takes ALL the input files from the event and gives them to the action
action.InputFiles = triggerEvent.InputFiles
Utilisation des ArrayLists
Les ArrayLists sont utiles car elles ne sont pas saisies ni dimensionnées. Elles s'allongent au fur et à mesure que vous les complétez et vous pouvez y ajouter ce que vous voulez.
'Create an ArrayList and add items to it
Dim oArray As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
oArray.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("c:\", "*.pdf"))
Conversion des ArrayLists en d'autres matrices
Après avoir préparé ArrayList, vous devrez probablement la convertir en d'autres matrices à utiliser dans les règles ; il s'agit de matrices saisies et dimensionnées.
L'ArrayList dispose d'une méthode ToArray qui copiera les éléments de l'ArrayList sur une matrice d'un type donné.
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation Pages
Dim oAlist As System.Collections.ArrayList ' . . . fill with contents
action.Pages = oAList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
La méthode ToArray fonctionne seulement si le contenu de l'ArrayList peut être converti au type spécifié. Dans le cas contraire, une erreur d'exécution apparaît. Vous devez convertir manuellement chaque élément de l'ArrayList en matrice. Par exemple, vous ne pouvez pas convertir un String en FileSystemItem, mais vous pouvez utiliser la méthode d'usine CreateFrom pour créer un FileSystemItem à partir d'un String.
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation FileSystemItems.
Dim oFSIArray() As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem = _
New Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem(oAList.count - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To oAList.Count - 1
oFSIArray(info) = _
Next i
Aplatissement des matrices imbriquées
Les données à affecter à un paramètre d'action sont parfois réparties sur les membres d'une matrice dans les propriétés de l'événement. Par exemple, les résultats d'une action Raffiner sont disponibles à partir d'un événement Raffiner fichiers d'entrée OK. Quand vous examinez cet événement, vous voyez qu'il possède les propriétés suivantes :

Fichiers d'entrée raffinés avec succès

La liste des fichiers d'entrée correctement raffinés.


Processus de raffinage

Heure de l'événement

Heure du processus de l'évènement

Événement primordial

Premier événement dans la séquence

Événement précédent

Événement précédent dans la séquence

Où sont les pages ? Chacun des fichiers d'entrée raffinés dispose de sa propre liste de pages créées à partir de celle-ci. En d'autres termes, chaque membre de la matrice InputFiles contient une matrice de pages.
Pour faire passer une liste de toutes les pages raffinées à une action comme Réaliser une sortie de pages non-imposées, il nous faut un moyen pour pénétrer dans chaque fichier d'entrée et générer un ensemble de toutes les pages.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'We reach into the ith Input File and add its Pages array to our list
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
Filtrage d'une matrice
Une autre exigence courante est la possibilité de filtrer des parties d'une liste qui ne vous intéressent pas. Il se pourrait, par exemple, que vous vouliez un moyen simple pour créer des épreuves d'imposition des surfaces recto uniquement de chaque cahier de votre travail. Vous souhaitez transmettre à l'action Épreuve imposée une liste des surfaces dont les surfaces verso sont toutes éliminées par filtrage.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.Surfaces.Length)
'We look at the ith Surface and add it to our list if it is "Front"
If triggerEvent.Surfaces(info).Side = "Front" Then
End If
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Surfaces and assign it to the
'Surfaces parameter of the action
action.Surfaces =
Filtrage et aplatissement des matrices
La combinaison des deux motifs d'aplatissement et de filtrage vous donne le maximum de puissance. Dans cet exemple, nous voulons une liste de toutes les pages raffinées dont le format est supérieur à 21 x 28 cm. Comme nous devons examiner chaque page afin de déterminer sa taille, il nous faut introduire une seconde boucle. La boucle externe passe en revue tous les fichiers d'entrée, tandis que la boucle (imbriquée) interne passe en revue toutes les pages raffinées pour chaque fichier d'entrée.
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'Create a second counter and make a second loop to go through all
' the pages for input file i
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While (j < triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages.Length)
'Grab the jth Page from the ith Input File
Dim thePage As Page = triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages(j)
'See if the page is larger than 8.5 x 11 (in points) – if so add it to our list
If (thePage.TrimSize.x > 8.5*72 AND thePage.TrimSize.y > 11*72) Then
End If
'Increment the value of j
j = (j + 1)
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))

Sv translation

オブジェクトの配列を含むアクション パラメータのコードを編集できます。
Prinergy の多数のアクション パラメータでは、オブジェクトのリスト(配列)が必要になります。たとえば、リファインアクションではリファインする入力ファイルのリストが必要となり、単ページ出力の実行アクションではページのリストが必要です。また、イベント プロパティの多くもリストで表されます。たとえば、ページの承認 – 変更済みイベントでは、承認ステータスが変更されたページのリストが提供されます。

イベント プロパティの配列のすべてのエレメントをアクション パラメータの配列に渡す場合、コードは次のように単純な割り当て処理と同様になります。
'This takes ALL the input files from the event and gives them to the action
action.InputFiles = triggerEvent.InputFiles
ArrayList の使用
ArrayList は、型とサイズを指定しないので便利です。エレメントを追加するたびに拡張され、任意のエレメントを格納できます。
'Create an ArrayList and add items to it
Dim oArray As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
oArray.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("c:\", "*.pdf"))
ArrayList を別の配列に変換
ArrayList の準備が完了したら、ルール内で使用できるように、型とサイズを指定する別の配列に変換する必要がある場合があります。
ArrayList には、ArrayList のエレメントを指定した型の配列にコピーする ToArray メソッドがあります。
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation Pages
Dim oAlist As System.Collections.ArrayList ' . . . fill with contents
action.Pages = oAList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
ToArray メソッドは、ArrayList のエレメントが指定する型にキャストできる場合にのみ機能します。キャストできない場合は、実行時エラーが表示され、ArrayList 内の各エレメントを指定の配列に手動で変換する必要があります。たとえば、String 型を FileSystemItem にキャストできない場合は、CreateFrom ファクトリ メソッドを使用して String 型から FileSystemItem を作成することができます。
' Converts the ArrayList into an Array of Automation FileSystemItems.
Dim oFSIArray() As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem = _
New Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.FileSystemItem(oAList.count - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To oAList.Count - 1
oFSIArray(info) = _
Next i
アクション パラメータに割り当てるデータが、イベント プロパティの配列内で分散している場合があります。たとえば、入力ファイルのリファイン - OKイベントからリファインアクションの結果を使用できるとします。このイベントには、以下のプロパティがあります。

入力ファイル - リファイン済み



リファイン プロセス

イベント タイム


ルート イベント




ページの場所については、リファイン済みの各入力ファイルに固有のリストがあり、作成されたページはそこに含まれています。つまり、InputFiles の配列の各エレメントにはページの配列が含まれています。
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'We reach into the ith Input File and add its Pages array to our list
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.Surfaces.Length)
'We look at the ith Surface and add it to our list if it is "Front"
If triggerEvent.Surfaces(info).Side = "Front" Then
End If
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Surfaces and assign it to the
'Surfaces parameter of the action
action.Surfaces =
フラット化とフィルタリングの 2 つのパターンを組み合わせることにより、機能が最大限強化されます。次の例では、8.5 x 11 よりも大きいすべてのリファイン済みページのリストを作成します。サイズを確認するために各ページを調べる必要があるので、2 つめのループを挿入する必要があります。外側のループではすべての入力ファイルを調べ、内側の(ネストした)ループでは各入力ファイルのすべてのリファイン済みページを調べます。
'First we need to create a holder for the new list we will be building
Dim newList As System.Collections.ArrayList = New System.Collections.ArrayList
'Now we create a counter variable and initialize to the value 0
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Next we create a loop that will go through all the input files (until
'the counter i reaches the end of the list)
Do While (i < triggerEvent.InputFiles.Length)
'Create a second counter and make a second loop to go through all
' the pages for input file i
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While (j < triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages.Length)
'Grab the jth Page from the ith Input File
Dim thePage As Page = triggerEvent.InputFiles(info).Pages(j)
'See if the page is larger than 8.5 x 11 (in points) – if so add it to our list
If (thePage.TrimSize.x > 8.5*72 AND thePage.TrimSize.y > 11*72) Then
End If
'Increment the value of j
j = (j + 1)
'Increment the value of i
i = (i + 1)
'Finally, we convert our list into an Array of Pages and assign it to the
'Pages parameter of the action
action.Pages = newList.ToArray(GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.Page))