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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PRINSAG and version 11.0
Sv translation

Welcome to the Prinergy System Administration Guides space for version 11.0 of KODAK PRINERGY Workflow software.

If you have any questions about or suggestions for these documents, use the Provide Feedback link at the bottom of the page.

To find more documentation about Prinergy Workflow—such as, troubleshooting items—go to the  Partner Place service and support portal.


Sv translation

欢迎使用针对 KODAK 印能捷 Workflow 软件 1011.0 版的印能捷系统管理指南。


要查找有关印能捷工作流程的更多文档 - 比如故障排除项目 - 请访问 Partner Place 服务和支持门户。