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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space MV and version 11.0
Sv translation

The Energy Saver feature puts features put your computer and monitor into sleep mode whenever they are inactive are inactive for a defined period of time. However, if the monitor is in sleep mode for more than five than five minutes, you must wait at least 10 minutes for the monitor to warm up before you can calibrate it.

The MV calibration tool checks for stability. If a sufficient warm-up time has not been achieved, calibration will not be successful.

To avoid this delay, disable sleep mode. You can use the Energy Saver feature features to automatically start automatically start the computer each day, at least 10 minutes before you expect to calibrate the monitor.

Note: If the lock at the bottom of the Preferences window is closed, click the lock and then type the administrator user name and password to unlock the account.

  1. Choose Apple > System Preferences (macOS 12) or System Settings (macOS 13 and up).Click

    1. macOS 12
      1. Go to Apple > System Preferences > Energy Saver.
      2. Set the Turn display off after sliding scale to Never.
      3. Select the Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off check box.
      4. Clear the Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible check box.
      5. Click Schedule.

      6. Select the Start up or wake check box, select the day or days and type the time of day when you want the computer to automatically start.
        Note: Ensure that the time you select for Start is at least 10 minutes before the time when

    the monitor
      1. the monitor will be used for proofing color.

      2. Click OK.

      3. Click the lock to prevent additional changes to the settings.

      4. Close the Energy Saver window.

    1. macOS 13 and up
      1. Go to Apple > System Settings > Lock Screen.
      2. Set Turn display off on power adapter when inactive to Never.
      3. Go to Apple > System Settings > Screen Time, and turn it on.
      4. Go to Downtime.
      5. Turn the Downtime switch ON.
      6. In the Schedule drop-down, select Every Day.
      7. Select the time of day when you want the computer to automatically start and stop.
        Note: Ensure that the time you select for Start is at least 10 minutes before the time when the monitor will be used for proofing color.
Sv translation

能「能源節約器」功能可在一段定義的時間內沒有活動時,讓您的電腦和監視器進入睡眠模式。然而,如果監視器處於睡眠模式超過五分鐘,您必須等待至少 10 分鐘,讓監視器暖機後才能進行校正。

MV 校正工具會檢查穩定性。若未達到足夠的暖機時間,校正將不會成功。

若要避免此延遲,請停用睡眠模式。您可以使用「能源節約器」功能,每天於預計要校正監視器之前至少 10 分鐘自動啟動電腦。


  1. 選擇 Apple > 系統偏好設定

  2. 按一下能源節約器

  3. 於此時間後關閉顯示器滑桿拖移至永不
  4. 選取避免電腦在顯示器關閉時自動進入睡眠註記框。
  5. 清除如果情況允許,讓硬碟進入睡眠註記框。
  6. 按一下排程

  7. 選取開機或喚醒註記框,接著選擇一天或日期組合,並輸入您希望電腦自動開機的時間。
    注意:請確定您選取的時間至少在使用顯示器校對色彩的時間前 10 分鐘。

  8. 按一下「確定」。

  9. 按一下鎖定,以防止對設定進行其他變更。

  10. 關閉「能源節約器」視窗。
