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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space IPP and version 11.0
Sv translation

Add a note to provide additional job information that can be viewed in the Properties pane.

  1. Locate the job, and right-click the job row.
  2. In the menu that appears, select Add Note.
  3. Select the users who can view this note (for staff users only)
  4. Type the note, and click Add.

Tip: If a Customer or Staff User has enabled the Job Note Modified event email, they will receive an email about the job note as well. 

Sv translation


  1. ジョブを探して、ジョブ行を右クリックします。
  2. メニューが表示されたら、[メモの追加]を選択します。
  3. このメモを表示できるユーザーを選択します(スタッフ ユーザーのみ)。
  4. メモを入力し、[追加]をクリックします。