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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space KPS and version 11.0

The latest software installers are published in compressed format (ISO) for downloading from your Kodak service and support portal.


  • For new system installations, we suggest using a separate computer to download and copy the installation files to portable media or a network location. New workstations may lack Internet access or a utility for extracting compressed files.
  • In case of a slow connection or other unforeseen connectivity issues, download the ISO image at least a day before the scheduled installation date.
  • To have physical discs shipped to the site, contact a sales or service representative. The process may take a few weeks.
  • Only software that has been published to full production is available for downloading. For registered Beta-test customers, the Kodak Beta site representative provides the required software, license, and documentation.

from your Kodak customer Portal.


  1. Log onto Kodak customer Portal at https://customer.kodak.comLog onto Partner Place at, and go to Service & Support > Search Knowledgebase Answers
  2. Perform the following actions:
    1. Type the desired answer ID into the Search box, or use keywords such as <product X.x> installer.
      The Answer ID for version 8.0 installers is is 72887.
    2. In the search results, click the applicable link.
    3. In the answer, click the download link.
    4. Save the file to the desired location.
      Tip: Check the proofing product alerts at answer 70630 for answer 68647 for recent news that may affect this installation.
    Use your preferred tool to extract the files or burn a DVD. Transfer extracted files to removable media such as a portable drive or to a network location
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