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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space KPS and version 11.0


  • If you are performing only upgrading the software from version 5version 8.2 5 or later on an existing workstation, you can go straight to the topic the topic about installing the software.
  • If the current proofer controller is being retired, a technical representative will install the new workstation and software. See the topics about preparing for an upgrade.
    Note: The proofer’s driver software and firmware will also be updated as needed.
  • To determine whether a workstation upgrade is also required and for suggested workstation specifications, see the appendix.
  • Other topics provide information about upgrading or adding other system components, including proofers, client workstations, or spectrophotometers.

Basic experience with Kodak Proofing Software and Kodak Matchprint Inkjet proofers Epson printer is assumed for anyone performing an upgrade task.


Kodak Proofing Software upgrade scenarios

The version 811.4 0 software installer supports upgrading from version 8.5 .2 or or later.

If the existing workstation configuration—particularly the available disk space and RAM—can accommodate the current upgrade, you simply install it alongside the earlier version. A copy of the proofing configuration data is automatically migrated to the new version.

The upgrade path depends on the existing version:

  • From version 8.5 .2 or 6xlater: Upgrade directly to version 8.4.
  • From version 4x, 5.0, or 5.1: First upgrade directly to version 5.2 to migrate and prepare the data, and then upgrade directly to version 8.4.
  • Upgrades from legacy versions (3.3 or earlier) are no longer supported. If you want to attempt upgrading a legacy version, see portal answer 68053 for self-serve information and downloads that may help.
  • 11.0.

Important: Ensure that the device driver and firmware for any Epson printer and spectrophotometer used at this workstation are up to date before activating and using this software upgrade for production proofing.


Note: Microsoft no longer supports Windows XP 7 and stopped issuing the automatic the automatic updates that were previously downloaded to your system after being qualified being qualified by the Kodak Windows System Update Service (WSUS). For security reasonssecurity reasons, you should replace any existing Microsoft Windows XP proofer controllers. For more information, see portal answer 69282.

Sample scenario: Replacing KPS 4x on a Windows XP controller with the KPS upgrade on a new workstation

This example provides a very general summary only. Be sure to refer to the complete documentation for the exact steps.


  1. Create a proofing data backup, store the file in a secure location, and then clear as much hard drive space as possible.
  2. Install version 5.2 alongside the earlier version to migrate and format the data for compatibility.
  3. Use the version 5.2 Proofer Finder to access Proofer Administrator.
  4. Add the new license to activate the upgrade.
  5. Create copies of any Open Connectivity virtual printers that will still be needed, but designate each copy as a hot folder. Delete the original virtual printers.
  6. Create a version 5.2 proofing data backup and store the ZIP file in an accessible location.


  1. Install the new workstation and set up Windows.
  2. Install the antivirus, KPS, and (optional) ColorFlow software and licenses.
  3. Before connecting a proofer or spectrophotometer, install their drivers, and then ensure all device firmware is up to date.
  4. Restore the version 5.2 backup ZIP file.
  5. Create and store a Windows system image and recovery disc.
    Next: The technician or customer installs or upgrades the client workstations to the same version of KPS Proofer Client software.

7 proofer controllers. 

Spectrophotometer upgrades


  • When a Kodak Proofing Software upgrade is installed beside an existing version, copies of the existing proofing settings and data are automatically migrated to the new installation. The migration process reformats the data as needed to be compatible with the upgrade and automatically adds default settings for any new features.
  • The version 811.4 0 installer can be used to upgrade and reuse data only from version 8.5 .2 or later. To ensure data compatibility if upgrading from an earlier version, upgrade first to version 8.5 .2 and then to 811.40
  • Before any major system changes, always create a complete KPS data backup. 
  • Disk space requirements depend on the amount of data involved.
    • If space permits, the earlier version may remain installed alongside the upgrade.
    • If there is not enough disk space, the upgrade will fail.