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Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PRINERGY and version 11.0


Limitations relevant to Prinergy 11.0 and previous versions:

Changing font size in Workshop Preferences does not apply to all menus:

In Prinergy 10 and previous the job finder list, job favourites and column data (filename, date refined etc) were changed. In Prinergy 11, we extended this to the dropdown and contextual menus, which can be controlled with the "Apply to All" checkbox in preferences.


  • Preps Production reports cannot be created via RBA (PRINERGY-52932, PREPS-16717)
  • Most of the Preps Page and Page Bleed Marks issues have been addressed in Preps 9.5. Please see the Preps 9.5 Release Notes for more details


  • VPS+ is only installed on macOS 10.15 and above Macintosh systems.  VPS Classic will continue to be installed on Windows clients and legacy Mac clients, until VPS+ has sufficient feature parity with VPS Classic.


  • .

Workaround: Connect a non Retina external Monitor or experiment with various "Scaled" resolutions

Oracle Patcher:

To install the latest qualified Oracle patches, please contact your regional support office.


  • When upgrading to Prinergy 911.x 0 from 7.5.x, 8.0.x, or 8.1.x Custom Checks and Fixups will not be migrated as their own entities. However, profiles referencing Custom Checks and Fixups will have been updated to incorporate the Custom Checks and Fixups; meaning, they will continue to work as they did prior to upgrading.

  • callas process plans and profiles that create layers or contain unlicensed DeviceLinks are not supported.

  • Kodak does not support or provide a license of callas pdfToolbox software. However, a copy of pdfToolbox (Preflight+ Profile Manager) is provided and licensed solely for the purpose of editing and creating preflight profiles that are to be used within Prinergy. Modification of the license as well as changing or upgrading the version of callas pdfToolbox that is provided with Prinergy is not recommended and not supported by Kodak. Kodak does not provide assistance or support for editing or creating new callas profiles. For information and support with the creation and editing of profiles, go to
    Note: Kodak does support issues related to the integration of callas preflight within Prinergy Workshop.

  • Overview reports contain information from all pages in a multi-page PDF input file. When you open the report, it may contain information about pages you haven't selected.
  • Report Page links are supported only when you copy the full report.
  • callas fix-ups are "use at own risk". Exercise extra caution and check your proofs closely when applying fix-ups.

  • callas Profiles and Prinergy support different variations of the Chinese character set.

    • Simplified = ZH_CN (callas) = PRC
    • Simplified = ZH_Hans (Prinergy) = South East Asia and Singapore

  • callas template-based reports via PDFToolBox are not available in Preflight+ in Prinergy.
  • Because each PDF report contains a full copy of the original input PDF file, using Preflight+ may result in higher demands on storage space in your job home disks. 

  • To avoid Preflight+ becoming a bottleneck in the Refine process, it is advised to purchase the same amount of Preflight+ JTPs as Refine JTPs.
  • The use of variables that prompt users for input are not supported.
  • Customized checks and fixup names do not translate. Create them in the language you require.
  • Creation of New Libraries for organizing Checks and Fixups into categories is not supported
    Note: Profiles with Devicelink, Javascript and Variables are not supported.
  • The "Test" function seen when creating new profiles is not supported
  • Advanced Preflight is now in code freeze. There will be no further code changes, it is left in place as a convenience. Please consider migrating to the newer Preflight+ engine.
