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Versions Compared


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In VPS 11.0, the Navigator, Inventory and Info panels have all been separated from the main application window and now operate as independent windows that can be moved to a separate screen, if desired. The windows can be minimized by double-clicking on the title bar of the window. 

New Features


Replace Oracle Java with Corretto Java 8


Break Navigation, Inventory and Info panels out into independent, resizable windows.


Ability to set Opening Zoom magnification in General Preferences


Add ability to drag and drop file to add to current open file set


Support 8-bit grayscale TIFFs


Preview Window should maximize to full size of screen on opening.

Bug Fixes


Improve speed of opening and viewing files


Angle measurements are wrong if separations are rotated

VPSPLUS-359Screen frequencies are not measured correctly if separations are rotated
VPSPLUS-424Versioning separation files must sort by name, not by color

VPS+ 11.0 Limitations

No Ink Coverage Comparison 

New Features




Keyboard shortcuts to switch original and compared files in Compare Mode and to toggle Compare On and Off




Open all viewing windows in exactly the same position, as in VPS Classic.




Open all viewing windows with exactly the same size window, as in VPS Classic




Keyboard shortcut to toggle between open files. (This enables the VPS Classic ability to toggle between separations to compare differences.)




Compatibility with MacOS 13 Venture

Bug Fixes




Cannot quit application after switching applications on Mac OS, must use Force Quit.




VPS+ should match spot color names in Color DB when no CMYK values in file.




Issues in Separation Handling when adding and deleting spot colors in Packaging Mode.




Standalone VPS+ installer should install the application in the same location as Prinergy Workshop installer.




Front and back alignment problem with certain Work and Tumble forms.




VPS+ crashes when opening certain TIFF files.




Tooltips for Angle/Tint/Ruling on Separations panel are incorrect.




Outputting a layout with rotation fails (Mac only)




Zoom ratio list, Version list and Separation check boxes don't work well for LPV files.




The Preview window is empty when a Combined/ Descreened TIFF file is opened.




Switching to PDF geometry design mode crashes if you select Close the Preview Window in preferences.




The image in PDF geometry design window is incorrect if "Extra Area" is set in Preferences.




Some Japanese translations in Packaging Mode are wrong and need to be corrected

List of all new and existing Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

VPS+ 10.0 Limitations

PDF export when in Packaging PDF Design Mode does not work in macOS 13 and macOS 14. (VPSPLUS-402)

No Ink Coverage Comparison feature as in VPS Classic.

Cannot preview two-sided layouts in Packaging Mode. Flexo packaging layouts are typically created from TIFFs files, and TIFFs do not contain the DIG comments required to recognize imposition information. If you wish to check backups on packaging layouts, you will have to switch to Commercial Mode.

Long color names are cut off in the Separations panel, which can make it difficult to identify PANTONE colors. Workaround: hold the mouse pointer over the color separation name to get a Tool Tip pop-up of the full color name.

Navigator and Inventory/Separations panels are fixed to the right side of the VPS+ display window and cannot be resized, so panels cannot be enlarged to view long color names and the maximum Zoom to Fit size of layouts is constrainedNote about Apple Magic Mouse scrolling...