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Table 2. Project rights

This project right

When combined with this right

Allows you to

Manage Access

Assign project roles to users at the project level, in any project to which the user has access
In a stand-alone system only, create user accounts within any project to which the user has access

Manage Limited Access

Modify the project role of a customer user for a specific project when the user has Limited Access on the Project Access.
You can only toggle between applying or not applying the project role to a specific project.

Create Project

When assigned at the site level, create new projects for any customer
When assigned at the customer level, create new projects for the customer for whom the user has been assigned a project role

Modify Project

View Elements Tab
View My Tasks

Move project between groups under a customer, rename project and generate event report
Create an auto task in a project

Delete Project

When assigned at the site level, delete projects for any customer
When assigned at the customer level, delete projects for the customer for whom the user has been assigned a project role

Move from Completed
Change the project state from Completed to something else

View Elements Tab

See the Elements tab in a project
Perform search Elements and view element attributes
Note: Each project role must include at least one View Elements Tab or View My Tasks user right.


View Elements Tab

Upload elements to a project


View Elements Tab

Create folders and move, copy, and rename elements and folders in a project
Assign source profiles to elements in a project

Download Originals

Download high-resolution original versions of elements from a project

Download LowRes PDF

Download low-resolution PDF versions of elements from a project

Download JPEG

Download low-resolution JPEG versions of elements from a project


View Elements Tab

Delete elements and folders from a project

View My Tasks

Be assigned tasks and see the assigned tasks in the Tasks view of a project and in Smart Review
Note: Each project role must include at least one View Elements Tab or View My Tasks user right.

View All Tasks

View My Tasks

See all tasks assigned to the user who is logged on and all tasks assigned to other users, in the Tasks view of a project and in Smart Review

Approve Tasks

View My Tasks

Be assigned tasks as approver task user 

Use Matchprint Virtual

View My Tasks
Approve Tasks

Be assigned color-approval tasks as color approver task user that require the user to proof elements for color accuracy in Smart Review, using the Matchprint Virtual technology

View All Annotations & Status

View My Tasks

See the annotations that other users add to elements in Smart Review and see the status of each annotation
Note: If a role does not include this right, the user can see only his or her own annotations, and the user cannot see the status of any annotation.

View Correction Reports

View My Tasks

View a report that summarizes annotations added to an element in Smart Review

Create Tasks

View My Tasks

Create tasks in a project and assign the tasks to other users who have access to the project.
Create auto tasks in a project.

Modify Tasks

View My Tasks

Add elements to an existing task or remove elements from a task, add users to an existing task or remove users from a task, rename a task, change a task's due date, and request a task's password authentication.

Delete Tasks

View My Tasks

Delete tasks

Task Status View

View My Tasks
View All Annotations & Status

In the Tasks view for a project, see the overall status of each task and the individual users assigned to each task
See each user's status per task element

Manage Tasks

View My Tasks
View All Annotations & Status
Task Status View

Set (but not change) the approval status for annotations in Smart Review.
Send a task reminder to users who have not set the status for a task.

Admin Tasks

View My Tasks
View All Annotations & Status
Task Status View

Reset a user's task status, and set the final status for tasks.
Change the approval status for annotations in Smart Review.
Delete other users' annotations in Smart Review.
Inactivate tasks or reactivate inactive tasks

Use Content CheckView My Tasks

Use Content Check tools in Smart Review

Note: Individual project rights act the same, regardless of the level at which they are assigned. For example, a user assigned a project role at the customer level that includes the Upload right can upload elements to any of that customer's projects. A user assigned the same project role at the project level only can upload elements but only to the project for which the user was explicitly given access.
