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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space ICW and version 10.0


  1. In Smart Review, open the element whose task status you want to set.
  2. In the task list, select the task for which you want to set the status.
    All tasks associated with the element are listed. Tasks not assigned to you appear and you can view the annotations made by other users. You are allowed to add your own annotations and set the task status for tasks assigned to you. 
    When you select an active task (a task that has not been approved or rejected), the Approve and Reject buttons become available.
    Important: If you are assigned a color-approval task as a Color Approver that requires monitor proofing using the Matchprint Virtual technology, the Approve and Reject buttons are available only if you are using a color-calibrated monitor. If you are not using a color-calibrated monitor, you can open the element and annotate it in Smart Review, but you cannot set the status of the color-approval task. A red X appears on the image.
    • If the Enable task approver voting restrictions option is selected for the customer, you cannot approve the task if you have an annotation on the task element, and you cannot reject the task if you do not have any annotation on the task element.
    • If the Enable task approver voting restrictions and the Enable Content Check options are selected for the customer and you are assigned to the task as a Content Proofer, you cannot approve or reject the task until you set the validation status for all the content check annotations on the task element.
  3. (Optional) If the task is assigned to you with a Task Checklist, the items from the Task Checklist appears under the Checklist panel.

    1. If you complete an item in the checklist, select the check box next to the completed item.

    2. If the item is not applicable and you cannot complete it, click the Mark as Not Applicable button that appears on the right-hand side of each checklist item.
    3. Click Apply.

    Note: If the checklist is defined as Required, you cannot set the status of the task until you select all the items in the checklist.

  4. Review the element, and set the task status:
    • For a task that you are assigned as a Reviewer, click the Review - OK or Review - Not OK button to set the task status to Reviewed - ok or Reviewed - not ok. Type a comment if needed.
    • For a task that you are assigned as an Approver or a Color Approver, click the Approve or Reject button to set the task status to Approved, Approved With Changes, or Reject. Type a comment if needed.
      Note: The Approved With Changes status is available only if it is enabled by the task creator.
    When you set the task status for an element,  or  appears beside the element in the element list. The element's task status is automatically updated in the Elements view and the Tasks view.