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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PRINERGY and version 11.0
Sv translation
  1. In the Digital Job Ticker Editor, from the Preset menu, select the preset.
  2. Click   (located on the right of the Preset box), and from the menu, select Rename.
  3. In the Rename dialog box, in the Preset Name box, type a new name.


    • It is recommended that you use a unique and meaningful name for your preset (maybe based on the settings it includes),so that you can easily find your preset for future use.
    • The asterisk character ‘*’ cannot be used in a preset name.
    • Double spaces or more result in one space in a preset name.
    • If a name that you type for the new preset already exists for a different preset, a message will appear informing you so and asking if you wish to overwrite the existing preset.

  4. Click Rename.
    The updated preset is saved on the Prinergy server.

Note: Using the Rename command, only renames the preset but does not save any other changes you may have made to the preset. To save other changes, use the Save Changes command.

Sv translation
  1. In the Digital Job Ticker Editor, from the Preset menu, select the preset.
  2. Click   (located on the right of the Preset box), and from the menu, select Rename.
  3. In the Rename dialog box, in the Preset Name box, type a new name.


    • It is recommended that you use a unique and meaningful name for your preset (maybe based on the settings it includes),so that you can easily find your preset for future use.
    • The asterisk character ‘*’ cannot be used in a preset name.
    • Double spaces or more result in one space in a preset name.
    • If a name that you type for the new preset already exists for a different preset, a message will appear informing you so and asking if you wish to overwrite the existing preset.

  4. Click Rename.
    The updated preset is saved on the Prinergy server.

Note: Using the Rename command, only renames the preset but does not save any other changes you may have made to the preset. To save other changes, use the Save Changes command.