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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PRINSAG and version 11.0
Sv translation

Set up a non-Kodak proofing device to work with the Prinergy system.

Kodak Prinergy’s supported workflows in order of preference:

  • Prinergy -> direct connect -> KPS -> specific supported Epson SureColor P-series inkjet proofers.
  • Prinergy -> PDF or TIFF -> network shared folders on a third-party color RIP server -> printer
  • Prinergy -> PS3 or EPS Raster -> Windows PS print driver -> PS compatible printer.

Children Display

Sv translation

Richten Sie ein Proofing-Gerät von einem anderen Anbieter als Kodak für die Arbeit mit dem Prinergy-System ein.

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Sv translation

Configure un dispositivo de pruebas que no sea Kodak para trabajar con el sistema Prinergy.

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Sv translation

Configurez un système d'épreuve autre que Kodak pour l'utiliser avec le système Prinergy.

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Sv translation

Configurare un dispositivo per la stampa di prove non Kodak da utilizzare nel sistema Prinergy.

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Sv translation

Kodak 以外のプルーフィング デバイスが Prinergy システムと連動するように設定します。

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Sv translation

设置非 Kodak 打样设备以与印能捷系统搭配使用。

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