Log on as administrator (not Araxi) to the distribution rendering (Pixel) server. Run the Distribution Server Installation wizard: - On the distribution server, open a command-prompt window, and type
net use * \\<ServerIPAddress>\AraxiHome (<ServerIPAddress> is the IP address of the main InSite Creative Workflow server). - Note the drive letter that the system assigned (Usually
Z ). - At the command prompt, type
cd /d <DriveLetter>:\TWAM\support\bin (<DriveLetter> is the drive letter that the system assigned). - At the command prompt, type
Setup_PixelServer.exe The Distribution Server Installation wizard starts. Note: Depending on your security settings, the Open Files Security dialog box may appear several times throughout the process, click Run each time. - On the Drive Selection window, complete the following options:
- For the Distribution Server Root, select the system drive
(C) . - For the Temp Root, select the drive where the Temp directory resides
(C) .
- Click OK.
On the InSite Server IP window, in the IP Address box, type the IP address of the InSite Creative Workflow server, and click OK. - On the Setup_PixelServer window, perform the following actions:
If the InSite Creative Workflow server is in a DMZ configuration, click Yes On the TwAm Server Name window, type the name of the main InSite Creative Workflow server and click OK - On the Login window, type the password for the ARAXI account, and click OK.
If the InSite Creative Workflow server is not in a DMZ configuration, click No. - On the Login window, type the password for the ARAXI account, and click OK.
- In the Open Files Security dialog box, click Run.
Note: Depending on your security settings, this dialog box may appear several times, click Run each time.
- On the Setup_PixelServer window, click OK to complete the installation.
- In the Distribution Server Setup window, click Close.
- When you are prompted, restart the server.