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Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space IPP and version 11.0


  1. Select Start > Programs > Kodak InSite > License Manager.

    A message indicating that the license key and the dongle mismatch appears.

  2. To enter a new license key, click Yes.

  3. Verify that the license ID and Partner Place Customer Portal username match what you entered when running the license pre-check.

  4. In the Add License Key dialog box, perform one of the following actions:

    • If your computer is connected to the Internet, Click Retrieve License. The license is automatically retrieved. Go to step 8.
    • If your computer does not have Internet access, click Browse. Go to step 5.
  5. Locate the Response.xml file that you downloaded when you performed the license pre-check.

  6. Select the file and click Open.

  7. Click Read File...
    The license key appears in the License Key box.

  8. Click Apply.

  9. Confirm the licensed options and press Enter.

  10. In the message about saving a copy of the previous license key, click OK.
    The new license displays an expiry date. 
    Note: An internet connection is required for maintenance of your license in order to automatically renew it. 

  11. To exit the License Manger, click OK.