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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space IPP and version 11.0

Your InSite server will contact the KODAK Product License and Activation System (PLAS) in the background on a regular basis to keep your system licenses up to date. An internet connection is required for automatic maintenance of your licenses. If your server is not connected to the internet, you can follow the offline process that is described below. When upgrading to version 911.20, you must also upgrade your license.


1. Retrieve Serial ID for your InSite server from Partner Place Customer Portal (this is different from dongle ID).
2. Run License check to confirm license availability.
3. Retrieve license (or supply XML file) after installation.


Your Serial ID takes the form AXxxxxx or YCxxxxx-IN. 

  • If you already have a Partner Place Customer Portal account, log on to Partner Place at Customer Portal. Navigate to Service & Support > Product Registration and License Activation > View registered products and select your site. A list of registered products will be displayed, including the serial number for your InSite Prepress Portal system.
  • If you do not have a Partner Place Customer Portal account, but you have a support plan that entitles you to the InSite Prepress Portal upgrade, you can register on Partner Place at Customer Portal.

Running the License check
