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Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space IPP and version 11.0
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New features and enhancements

This section lists features and enhancements that were added in this release.

Support for Windows Server 2022

InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 is now supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Operating System.

Support for integration with InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof, and MatchPrint Virtual 11.0

Integration with InSite Creative Workflow 11.0; Enterprise; PressProof; and MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 is supported.



Security Enhancements and bug fixes

Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 Please refer to the page for details.

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支持 Windows Server 2022

Microsoft Windows Server 2022 操作系统现在支持 InSite Prepress Portal 11.0。

支持与InSite Creative Workflow 11.0、Enterprise、PressProof 和 MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 的集成

支持与InSite Creative Workflow 11.0、Enterprise、PressProof 和 MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 的集成。




Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 - 请参阅页面了解详情。

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支援 Windows Server 2022

InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 現已在 Microsoft Windows Server 2022 作業系統上受到支援。

支持與 InSite Creative Workflow 11.0、Enterprise、PressProof 和 MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 集成

與 InSite Creative Workflow 11.0 集成;企業;印刷打樣;並且支持 MatchPrint Virtual 11.0。




Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 - 詳情請參閱頁面。

Sv translation

Nouvelles fonctionnalités et améliorations

Cette section énumère les fonctionnalités et les améliorations qui ont été ajoutées dans cette version.

Prise en charge de Windows Server 2022

InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 est désormais pris en charge sur le système d'exploitation Microsoft Windows Server 2022.

Prise en charge de l'intégration avec InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof et MatchPrint Virtual 11.0

L'intégration avec InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof et MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 est prise en charge.



Améliorations de la sécurité et corrections de bogues

Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 - Veuillez vous référer à la page pour plus de détails.

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Neue Funktionen und Erweiterungen

Dieser Abschnitt listet Funktionen und Verbesserungen auf, die in dieser Version hinzugefügt wurden.

Unterstützung für Windows Server 2022

Das InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 wird jetzt unter dem Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows Server 2022 unterstützt.

Unterstützung für die Integration mit InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof und MatchPrint Virtual 11.0

Die Integration mit InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof und MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 wird unterstützt.



Sicherheitsverbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen

Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 - Details finden Sie auf der entsprechenden Seite.

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Nuove funzionalità e miglioramenti

Questa sezione elenca le funzionalità e i miglioramenti aggiunti in questa versione.

Supporto per l'integrazione con InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof e MatchPrint Virtual 11.0

L'integrazione con InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof e MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 è supportata.



Miglioramenti della sicurezza e correzioni di bug

Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 - Per i dettagli, consultare la pagina.

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Windows Server 2022 のサポート

InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 が Microsoft Windows Server 2022 オペレーティング システムでサポートされるようになりました。

InSite Creative Workflow 11.0、Enterprise、PressProof、およびMatchPrint Virtual 11.0との統合をサポート

InSite Creative Workflow 11.0、Enterprise、PressProof、MatchPrint Virtual 11.0との統合をサポートします。




Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 - 詳細はページをご参照ください。

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Novos recursos e aprimoramentos

Esta seção lista os recursos e aprimoramentos que foram adicionados nesta versão.

Suporte para Windows Server 2022

O InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 agora é compatível com o sistema operacional Microsoft Windows Server 2022

Suporte para integração com InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof, e MatchPrint Virtual 11.0

A integração com o InSite Creative Workflow 11.0; Enterprise; PressProof; e MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 é suportada.



Aprimoramentos de segurança e correções de bugs

Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 - Consulte a página para obter detalhes.

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Nuevas funciones y mejoras

En esta sección se enumeran las funciones y mejoras añadidas en esta versión.

Compatibilidad con Windows Server 2022

Ahora, InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 es compatible con el sistema operativo Microsoft Windows Server 2022.

Soporte para la integración con InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof y MatchPrint Virtual 11.0

Se admite la integración con InSite Creative Workflow 11.0, Enterprise, PressProof y MatchPrint Virtual 11.0.



Mejoras de seguridad y corrección de errores

Fixed bugs in InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 - Por favor, consulte la página para más detalles.