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Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PRINERGY and version 11.0

The generate task requires you to use a Generate process  template.



JTP list

Select the job ticket processor (JTP) you want to use for generating version pages.

Version Layer Options

  • Force Overprint check box
  • Blend Layers check box

Use these options to quickly correct knockout/overprint problems.
Force Overprint check box—select this check box when an object on a change layer creates a knockout in the base layer, and where the knockout is not the same on each version. This check box sets all change objects to overprint, where change objects are objects on pages that are linked to layers other than the base layer.
For example, if you have English and French text printing in black over a CMYK image on the base layer, the text in each language must overprint; otherwise, the base CMY plates will have knockouts in both languages and the black text will not fit.
Note: One hundred percent (100%) white objects are treated differently and may still create knockouts in some separations.
Blend Layers check box—select this check box when an "invisible" object (an object colored with 0% ink sitting on a blank area of the page) on a change layer obscures or creates a knockout in one or more of the base layer's separations. This check box uses the PDF Transparency feature to blend layers and to simulate the double burn technique of imaging data on a plate by exposing it multiple times. The check box makes the white or clear areas of versioned objects transparent, and ensures that the colored/tinted versioned objects can only make the area darker.

Blend Layers Darken or Multiply radio buttons —  Darken is the default and has been since the inception of LPV. Multiply can be used if the blending is too dark.

Note: If a page has text that is only partially over an image, you may notice, after selecting the Blend Layers check box, differences between characters that are on the image and those that are not on the image at low resolutions such as 300 dpi. These differences should not appear at higher resolutions such as 1200 dpi or if you choose the Adobe PDF Print Engine as the RIP in the RIP Options section of the Edit Jobs Attributes dialog box.

Object Comparison Tolerances

  • Position Resolution box
  • Tint Resolution box

If you are using input file models 1 or 2, in the Position Resolution box, enter the maximum distance between two identical objects (on different pages) at which the objects are considered the same.
If you are using input file models 1 or 2, in the Tint Resolution box, enter the maximum percentage tint difference between two identical objects (on different pages) at which the objects are considered the same.

Name of Error Layer box

Type the name that you want for the PDF layer containing all objects (in the contributing pages) that are not mapped in the version plan.

Verify that all layers are linked list

Select Warn to receive messages when a versioned page has at least one empty layer. The messages appear in the Process Info dialog box, and in the History view.
Select Ignore if you do not want to receive these messages.

Detect common object differences list

This setting is relevant for models 1 and 2 only. (In model 1, for each version, a single input file contains a mix of base and change content, and change content is defined as a spot color. In model 2, for each version, a single input file contains a mix of base and change content, all content is in process color, and the change content is not identified by color).
The options in this list determine how the system will react to differences between 'common' objects—objects that appear on all version pages, and thus belong on the base layer. An object may be visually identical, but have differences in construction, perhaps due to different versions of creative applications in which it was created.
Select Warn to receive messages when differences occur between common objects. The messages appear in the Process Info dialog box, and in the History view. The different object will be mapped to the error layer and will not be included on the base layer.
Select Fail if you want the generate process to fail with an error icon when common object differences occur. The operation will fail, but a layered PDF is still generated so that the operator can see the problems. The different object will be mapped to the error layer and will not be included on the base layer.
Select Ignore to print, despite the object differences. The software that checks the fit of common objects is disabled. Prinergy will map objects to base according to the Colors to Extract column (in the Version Plan view), and will not look for common objects. It is not recommended to select Ignore unless you have already run the generate process with Warn or Fail and you are aware of any errors due to object differences.
This option may be appropriate when you are dealing with files with problematic objects that cannot be fixed by adjusting the pages in a creative application. It is recommended to manually proof the versioned pages to ensure that all change layer objects are in register with the base layer.

Common objects differences handling

This setting is relevant for models 1 and 2 only. (In model 1, for each version, a single input file contains a mix of base and change content, and change content is defined as a spot color. In model 2, for each version, a single input file contains a mix of base and change content, all content is in process color, and the change content is not identified by color).
If you chose Warn or Fail in the Detect common object differences setting, select what to do with differences between 'common' objects—objects that appear on all version pages, and thus belong on the base layer. An object may be visually identical, but have differences in construction, perhaps due to different versions of creative applications in which it was created. Select whether to move or copy the faulty elements to an error layer.

  • Move common object differences and common objects to error layer
  • Move only common object differences to error layer
  • Copy only common object differences to error layer

Note: The Move only common object differences to error layer and Copy only common object differences to error layer options consider the PDF file that is assigned to the common layer as the control PDF file that all other versions are compared against. It is your responsibility to assure that this control PDF file contains all the expected common objects.

Mark common object differences with a red X

If you chose Warn or Fail in the Detect common object differences setting, select this check box if you want to mark the common object differences with a red X on the object's bounding box in the change layer .

Ignore common object differences
outside the trim area

If you chose Warn or Fail in the Detect common object differences setting, select this option to ignore any objects outside the page trim area.
Note: If an object overlaps the trim, it will not be ignored.

Detect versioned white objects

This setting enables you to identify white objects on a change layer, and mark them with an orange X. A warning is issued if a white object is detected on a change layer so that the extracted colors can be changed.

  • Select Warn to issue a warning if a white object is detected on a change layer so that the extracted colors can be changed.
  • Select Warn and Mark to issue a warning if a white object is detected on a layer so that the extracted colors can be changed, and to mark the bounding box of the white object in the change layer with an orange X.
  • Select Ignore to cancel the detection process.


  • The white detection detects if versioned white objects are present on your page. It does not detect whether you have defined your version plan to correctly handle versioned white objects. To confirm you have defined your version plan correctly, see Versioned white objects.
  • It is not advised to use the Detect versioned white objects setting when the Detect common object differences setting is set to Ignore. When you generate with these settings, non-versioned white objects may be falsely detected as versioned white objects.

Ignore versioned white objects
outside the trim area

If you chose Warn or Warn and Mark in the Detect versioned white objects setting, select this option to ignore any objects outside the page trim area.
Note: If an object overlaps the trim, it will not be ignored.

For descriptions of the remaining sections, see the Prinergy Workshop Online Help descriptions of the refine process template, which has the same sections.
Note: If trapping or color matching are enabled during the Generate process, only objects on the common or base layers will be trapped or color matched.