- Print color-managed files to a wide variety of supported inkjet proofers
- Submit files to a proofer via Kodak Proofing Software directly from workflow software, such as a Kodak Prinergy system
- If the Open Connectivity Kit is licensed, submit image files to a proofer via Kodak Proofing Software hot folders or virtual printers
- Use basic hot folders to submit screened 1-bit TIFF files for proofing
- View the status of proofers in Proofer Finder
- Monitor and troubleshoot a proofer via Proofer Viewer
- View the status of multiple pages and sheets in Controller Viewer
- Manage the software, proofer connections, and licenses in Proofer Administrator
- Generate reports and view events
- Control and monitor the Color Output of Matchprint Inkjet Proofing Systems
- Increase the Color Accuracy of Matchprint Inkjet Proofing Systems
- Certify the Color Output of Matchprint Inkjet Proofing Systems
- Preview prints in high resolution the Output of Matchprint Inkjet Proofing Systems
- Control Spot Tint Proof Colors for Matchprint Inkjet Proofing Systems
- Accurately Create Custom Media Configurations for Matchprint Inkjet Proofing Systems