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Sv translation

You can edit the code for the Branch flow action to insert a conditional branch into a rule chain.

By default, the user interface creates two blocks of code: one that contains the True/False conditions for the branch and another that checks the condition and triggers either the Yes event or the No event.

' ====================================================
' The ConfigureAction function implements a branch.
' It is called with the event which triggered the rule and the action.
' ============================================================
Public Sub ConfigureAction( _
ByVal triggerEvent As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent, _
ByVal action As Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.BranchAction)

If (Me.Condition1(triggerEvent) AndAlso Me.Condition2(triggerEvent)) Then

‘This is how we make the branch trigger the “Yes” event

‘This is how we make the branch trigger the “No” event

End If

End Sub

' =============================================================
' The condition functions test the event which triggered the rule
' If it returns true the Yes branch will be taken by the ConfigureAction function.
' If it returns false the No branch will be taken.
' =============================================================
Private Function Condition1( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean

Return (item.NewApprovalState = _

End Function

Private Function Condition2( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean

Return '<your condition here>

End Function

Sv translation

Sie können den Code für die Zweig-Flussaktion bearbeiten und einen Bedingungszweig in eine Regelkette einfügen.


Standardmäßig erstellt die Benutzeroberfläche zwei Codeblöcke: einen, der die True/False-Bedingungen für den Zweig enthält, und einen weiteren, der die Bedingung überprüft und das Yes-Ereignis oder das No-Ereignis auslöst.
' ====================================================
' The ConfigureAction function implements a branch.
' It is called with the event which triggered the rule and the action.
' ============================================================
Public Sub ConfigureAction( _
ByVal triggerEvent As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent, _
ByVal action As Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.BranchAction)
If (Me.Condition1(triggerEvent) AndAlso Me.Condition2(triggerEvent)) Then
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "Yes" event
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "No" event
End If
End Sub

' =============================================================
' The condition functions test the event which triggered the rule
' If it returns true the Yes branch will be taken by the ConfigureAction function.
' If it returns false the No branch will be taken.
' =============================================================
Private Function Condition1( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return (item.NewApprovalState = _
End Function
Private Function Condition2( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return '<your condition here>
End Function

Sv translation



默认情况下,用户界面会创建两个代码块:一个代码块包含分支的 True/False 条件,另一个代码块检查条件并触发Yes事件或No事件。
' ====================================================
' The ConfigureAction function implements a branch.
' It is called with the event which triggered the rule and the action.
' ============================================================
Public Sub ConfigureAction( _
ByVal triggerEvent As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent, _
ByVal action As Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.BranchAction)
If (Me.Condition1(triggerEvent) AndAlso Me.Condition2(triggerEvent)) Then
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "Yes" event
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "No" event
End If
End Sub

' =============================================================
' The condition functions test the event which triggered the rule
' If it returns true the Yes branch will be taken by the ConfigureAction function.
' If it returns false the No branch will be taken.
' =============================================================
Private Function Condition1( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return (item.NewApprovalState = _
End Function
Private Function Condition2( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return '<your condition here>
End Function

Sv translation

Puede editar el código para la acción de flujo Circuito derivado a fin de insertar un circuito derivado condicional en una cadena de reglas.


De forma predeterminada, la interfaz de usuario crea dos bloques de código: uno que contiene las condiciones True/False para el circuito derivado y otro que comprueba la condición y desencadena el evento afirmativo (Yes) o negativo (No).
' ====================================================
' The ConfigureAction function implements a branch.
' It is called with the event which triggered the rule and the action.
' ============================================================
Public Sub ConfigureAction( _
ByVal triggerEvent As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent, _
ByVal action As Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.BranchAction)
If (Me.Condition1(triggerEvent) AndAlso Me.Condition2(triggerEvent)) Then
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "Yes" event
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "No" event
End If
End Sub

' =============================================================
' The condition functions test the event which triggered the rule
' If it returns true the Yes branch will be taken by the ConfigureAction function.
' If it returns false the No branch will be taken.
' =============================================================
Private Function Condition1( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return (item.NewApprovalState = _
End Function
Private Function Condition2( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return '<your condition here>
End Function

Sv translation

Vous pouvez modifier le code de l'action de flux Dérivation afin d'insérer une dérivation conditionnelle dans une chaîne de règles.


Par défaut, l'interface utilisateur crée deux blocs de code : l'un contenant les conditions VRAI/FAUXTrue/False de la dérivation et l'autre vérifiant la condition et déclenchant l'événement OuiYes ou l'événement Non No.
' ====================================================
' The ConfigureAction function implements a branch.
' It is called with the event which triggered the rule and the action.
' ============================================================
Public Sub ConfigureAction( _
ByVal triggerEvent As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent, _
ByVal action As Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.BranchAction)
If (Me.Condition1(triggerEvent) AndAlso Me.Condition2(triggerEvent)) Then
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "Yes" event
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "No" event
End If
End Sub

' =============================================================
' The condition functions test the event which triggered the rule
' If it returns true the Yes branch will be taken by the ConfigureAction function.
' If it returns false the No branch will be taken.
' =============================================================
Private Function Condition1( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return (item.NewApprovalState = _
End Function
Private Function Condition2( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return '<your condition here>
End Function

Sv translation

条件分岐フロー アクションのコードを編集して、ルール チェーンに条件分岐の条件を挿入できます。


ユーザー インターフェイスのデフォルトでは 2 つのコード ブロックが作成されます。1 つ目のコードには条件分岐の True/False 条件が含まれており、もう 1 つのコードでは条件をチェックして Yes または No のどちらかのイベントを起動します。
' ====================================================
' The ConfigureAction function implements a branch.
' It is called with the event which triggered the rule and the action.
' ============================================================
Public Sub ConfigureAction( _
ByVal triggerEvent As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent, _
ByVal action As Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.BranchAction)
If (Me.Condition1(triggerEvent) AndAlso Me.Condition2(triggerEvent)) Then
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "Yes" event
'This is how we make the branch trigger the "No" event
End If
End Sub

' =============================================================
' The condition functions test the event which triggered the rule
' If it returns true the Yes branch will be taken by the ConfigureAction function.
' If it returns false the No branch will be taken.
' =============================================================
Private Function Condition1( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return (item.NewApprovalState = _
End Function
Private Function Condition2( _
ByVal item As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageApprovalChangedEvent) _
As Boolean
Return '<your condition here>
End Function