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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PODW and version 2.x

In this discussion we explore the Job Activity dashboard with respect to Prinergy History. 

Before we begin to explore the new features and functionality further, it is important to understand what it is that we are measuring and how you can use the analytics reports to help improve your business operations.

The Prinergy System History reports collect 3 different type of messages; information, warnings and errors.

System Activity

System Activity is measured by capturing, collating and counting information messages that indicate one or more “system actions” have been performed within your Prinergy workflow.

Some examples of system activity are a file being uploaded by a INSITE customer user, a PDF file being processed by the Trapping JTP or a RBA rule being used to output TIFF files.

System Warnings

System Warnings are measured by capturing, collating and counting system warning messages that have resulted from system actions that were being executed in your Prinergy Workflow. It is important to note that warning messages are created as a result of a selection you enabled in a Prinergy Process Template or automatically created by the software itself during operation.

Analyzing warning message trends over a defined period of time can provide useful insights into areas of production you maybe able to improve efficiency or quality.

As an example, if you set your Process Template to resample Contone images lower than 300DPI during a Refine process, you may only see a small number of warning messages in System History while you work on a single job. However, if your system is creating a very large number of these warnings over a defined period of time, you may want to explore changes that can be made to improve the quality of files you receive from customers.

System Errors

System Errors are measured by capturing, collating and counting system error messages that have resulted from system actions being executed in your Prinergy Workflow.

Similar to warning messages, system error messages can be created by user actions such as manually aborting an active process or automatically created by the software during operation.


Did you know?

  • When you click on an item in the Filters pane, for example ARCH; all aspects of the dashboard will change to focus on that item.

For additional information about Job Activity Dashboards:

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