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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PREPS and version 10
Sv translation

 You might want to set a single Printers folder to be shared by multiple installations, or copy the device PPD files and media configurations from a previous installation to a new installation of the software. A software restart is required whenever you move the Printers folder.

  1. Create the new Printers folder, if it does not exist.
  2. Move your existing device files to the new folder.
    Be sure to include the printers.psm file.
  3. On the Folders tab in the Preferences dialog box, set the new location.
  4. Restart the software to activate the new location.

See also: Carpetas y archivos que se pueden mover o compartir Folders and files that you can move or share 

Sv translation

移动 Printers 文件夹时,需要重新启动软件。
您可能希望将单个 Printers 文件夹设置为由多个安装共享,或将先前安装的设备 PPD 文件和版材配置复制到新安装的软件中。

  1. 如果该文件夹不存在,请创建一个新的 Printers 文件夹。
  2. 将您的现有设备文件移到新文件夹中。
    确保包含 printers.psm 文件。
  3. 首选项对话框的文件夹选项卡中,设置新位置。
  4. 重新启动软件以激活新位置。
