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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PREPS and version 10
Sv translation

To add a resource to the Media list, prepare a media configuration for a specific target device. You can set up a media configuration for any valid size that is defined in the device-specific PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files in the Printers folder. The Preps software DVD provides several PPD files, and you can obtain the most current PPD files directly from the manufacturer of your imaging device. If a device is already installed on your operating system, you can use a copy of the system's PPD file.

  1. Copy the new device PPD file and paste it to the \Printers\ppd\ folder. The name of the PPD file must end in .ppd, and contain no special characters.
    Note: You can skip this step if the PPD file is already installed.
  2. Select Resources > New Media.
  3. Select the Media Type. The Media Type list displays all the media for which a device PPD file exists in the \Printers\ppd\ folder.
    Note: To create a virtual media configuration that is equal to or larger than the stock size, select Press Sheet Size.
  4. Provide a meaningful nickname for the new media configuration, and click OK.
  5. In the Media Configuration dialog box, select the size, and set any other options that you need.
    Note: For Press Sheet Size media configurations, you cannot change the Size (PressSheetSize). However, you can optionally increase the size of the output by specifying top, bottom, and side margins. You cannot set margins for other media types.
  6. Close the dialog box.

The new media resource appears in the Media list in the Resources pane. The software stores the details for each media in a <MediaName>\printer.ppd file in the Printers folder.

See also: Acerca de las listas del panel Recursos About the lists in the Resources pane

Sv translation

要向版材列表添加资源,请为特定目标设备准备版材配置。 您可以为 Printers 文件夹中特定于设备的 PostScript 打印机描述 (PPD) 文件中定义的任何有效尺寸设置版材配置。
Preps 软件 DVD 提供了多个 PPD 文件,从成像设备的制造商处可以直接获得很多当前的 PPD 文件。 如果操作系统上已安装设备,则可以使用系统的 PPD 文件的副本。

  1. 复制新设备 PPD 文件并将其粘贴到 \Printers\ppd\ 文件夹。
    PPD 文件的名称必须以 .ppd 结尾,并且不包含任何特殊字符。
    注: 如果已安装 PPD 文件,请跳过该步骤。
  2. 选择资源 > 新建版材
  3. 选择版材类型
    版材类型列表显示了在 \Printers\ppd\ 文件夹中存在设备 PPD 文件的所有版材。
    注: 要创建一个等于或大于纸张大小的虚拟版材配置,请选择印页尺寸
  4. 为新版材配置提供一个有意义的别名,并单击确定
  5. 在版材配置对话框中,选择大小并设置其它需要的选项。
    注: 对于"印页尺寸"版材配置,无法更改尺寸 (PressSheetSize)。但是,可以通过指定上方、下方和侧面页边空白有选择地增加输出尺寸。无法为其它版材类型设置页边空白。
  6. 关闭对话框。
    新版材资源显示在资源窗格的版材列表中。软件将每个版材的详细信息存储在 Printers 文件夹的 <MediaName>\printer.ppd 文件中。
