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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PRINERGY and version 10.0

No Patches at this time

Prinergy 9.0 A previous version of Prinergy introduced bug fix deployment through the Prinergy Patcher tool. Please contact the Kodak CEC if you are interested in applying any of the patches listed below.


Patch NumberReferenced PR ID(s)Description





Colormatcher: Subpage gets deleted from the file system when you cancel the task

Subpages get deleted when Preflight+ is run on Input PDFs and Trapper crashes

Refine: Certain PDFs with lots of clipping paths bloats content stream 

Color Match fails when Refining PDF with the file name containing CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) characters

W10.0.0.1PRINERGY-53503Output fails with error "Data already exists in the database for the item for which an insertion was attempted" when mapping multiple separations