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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PRINCG and version 10.0
Sv translation

The extent to which you can edit a JDF template depends on its related device type, for example, whether you are editing a JDF template for a NexPress, a Color Server, an HP, or a Xerox device.
Currently, only NexPress, HP SmartStream Print Servers, and Creo Color Servers have editing software for JDF templates. Access to other JDF editing software will be provided as it becomes available.

  1. Select Tools > JDF Template Manager.
  2. Locate and select the JDF template that you want to edit, and click Edit Template.
    The editor that appears depends on the type of JDF template that you are editing.
  3. Perform the following actions, as appropriate:

    Type of template


    NexPress JDF template

    Use the related editing software to make your changes.

    Creo Color Server JDF template

    Use the related editing software to make your changes.

    Creo Color Server JDF template, but you have not installed the related editing software

    The JDF Override dialog box appears. Edit the attributes as required.

    HP JDF template

    Use the related editing software to make your changes.

    HP JDF template, but you have not installed the related editing software

    The JDF Override dialog box appears. In the HP Job Spec box, type the name of the predefined workflow that you want. For information about HP predefined workflows, see your HP documentation.
    Note: If the layout information changes, click Edit Layout in the JDF Template Manager and modify the layout information so that estimates of printing duration can be calculated correctly.

    Xerox JDF template

    The JDF Override dialog box appears. Edit the attributes as required. See JDF Override dialog box.

Sv translation

您可以编辑 JDF 模板的程度取决于其相关设备类型,例如您编辑的是 NexPress、Color Server、HP 还是 Xerox 设备的 JDF 模板。
目前只有 NexPress、HP SmartStream Print Server 和克里奥色彩服务器具有 JDF 模板编辑软件。当其他 JDF 编辑软件可用时,将及时提供。

  1. 选择工具 > JDF 模板管理器
  2. 查找和选择要编辑的 JDF 模板,然后单击编辑模板

所显示的编辑器取决于您编辑的 JDF 模板类型。

  1. 根据需要执行以下操作:



    NexPress JDF 模板


    克里奥色彩服务器 JDF 模板


    克里奥色彩服务器 JDF 模板,但您没有安装相关编辑软件

    JDF 覆盖对话框随即显示。按要求编辑属性。

    HP JDF 模板


    HP JDF 模板,但您没有安装相关编辑软件

    JDF 覆盖对话框随即显示。在 HP 作业说明框中,输入所需的预定义工作流程的名称。有关 HP 预定义工作流程的详细信息,请参阅 HP 文档。
    注: 如果布局信息发生变化,请单击模板管理器中的编辑布局,然后修改布局信息,以便正确计算预计印刷时长。

    Xerox JDF 模板

    JDF 覆盖对话框随即显示。按要求编辑属性。请参阅"JDF 覆盖"对话框主题
