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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space VPSW and version 10.0
Sv translation

Important note about VPS+ 10.0

VPS+ has been refactored for performance, quality. and memory handling.

Previews are created with fixed zoom levels to speed up rendering and viewing, and view quality is now identical to VPS Classic.

VPS+ can now open many sets of impositions (Fronts and Backs) simultaneously.

VPS+ New Features

macOS 12 Monterey support

Macintosh M1 processor support

Compatibility with Azure Windows Virtual Desktop

Users can open VPS, TIFF or LEN files for preview or reformatting. (In VPS Classic, only VPS files could be opened and viewed).

VPS+ Bug Fixes

VPSPLUS-295 Front and back pages of Work and Turn forms don't align in some cases

VPSPLUS-292 Front and Back pages of Perfector layouts don't align in some cases

VPSPLUS-286 Color densitometer not accurate for Black, depending on Zoom level

VPSPLUS-285 Angles measured with the measure tool are inaccurate

VPSPLUS-209 Double-byte characters not support for Job Name or Imposition Name

VPSPLUS-8    VPS+ crashes when opening LEN files

VPS+ Limitations

Important note here...

New Features


Keyboard shortcuts to switch original and compared files in Compare Mode and to toggle Compare On and Off


Open all viewing windows in exactly the same position, as in VPS Classic.


Open all viewing windows with exactly the same size window, as in VPS Classic


Compatibility with MacOS 13 Venture

Bug Fixes


Cannot quit application after switching applications on Mac OS, must use Force Quit.


VPS+ should match spot color names in Color DB when no CMYK values in file.


Issues in Separation Handling when adding and deleting spot colors in Packaging Mode.


Standalone VPS+ installer should install the application in the same location as Prinergy Workshop installer.


Front and back alignment problem with certain Work and Tumble forms.


VPS+ crashes when opening certain TIFF files.


Tooltips for Angle/Tint/Ruling on Separations panel are incorrect.


Outputting a layout with rotation fails (Mac only)


Zoom ratio list, Version list and Separation check boxes don't work well for LPV files.


The Preview window is empty when a Combined/ Descreened TIFF file is opened.


Switching to PDF geometry design mode crashes if you select Close the Preview Window in preferences.


The image in PDF geometry design window is incorrect if "Extra Area" is set in Preferences.


Some Japanese translations in Packaging Mode are wrong and need to be corrected

VPS+ 10.0 Limitations

No Ink Coverage Comparison feature There is no Ink Coverage Comparison features, as in VPS Classic.

Cannot preview two-sided layouts in Packaging Mode. Flexo packaging layouts are typically created from TIFFs files, and TIFFs cannot do not contain the DIG comments required to recognize imposition information.

Long color names are cut off in the Separations panel, which can make it difficult to identify PANTONE colors. Workaround: hold the mouse pointer over the color separation name, and a Tool TIp pop-up with the full color name will appear.

The Navigator and Inventory/Separations panels are fixed to the right side of the VPS+ display window and cannot be resized, so panels cannot be enlarged to view long color names and the maximum Zoom to Fit size of layouts is constrained.
