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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space IPP and version 9.5

This guide describes how to upgrade the Kodak InSite Prepress Portal software Portal software to version 9.2 or later5.

The Prepress Portal 9.2 5 upgrade is available for systems running Prepress running Prepress Portal 9.1 or later 2 on Microsoft Windows 2012 R2. Customers Windows 2019. Customers that use 9.0 1.1 or earlier versions of Kodak InSite must upgrade to InSite to InSite 9.1.1 2 before upgrading to version 9.25.

Prepress Portal 9.2 requires Kodak Prinergy Workflow or Prinergy Workflow Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack 89.0.2 1 and later.


  • If your system is not on the Prepress Portal 9.1 or later 2 on Windows 2012 R22019, do not attempt this upgrade this upgrade and contact your local Response Center representative for assistance.
  • If the installed version on your Prinergy server is not 89.0.2 1 or later, upgrade your Prinergy your Prinergy server before upgrading Prepress Portal to version 9.25.
  • If you need assistance to upgrade to Prepress Portal 9.25, contact your local Response local Response Center representative.


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Confirm that the installed version of your workflow software is compatible with Prepress Portal 9.2 (see the Prepress Portal 9.2 Release Notes). You may need to upgrade the workflow software before you upgrade the Prepress Portal software.

Due to increased concerns around cyber security and the potential for unsecured accounts to be used in ways that may affect business-critical systems, we recommend you consider changing account passwords present on your InSite Prepress Portal (IPP) server and consider periodically updating your portal server passwords. As IPP cooperates with the Prinergy server, you will need to change the passwords on the Prinergy server as well. For more information on changing passwords on Kodak servers, as well as general security best practices, see Partner Place article 74371.


Allow sufficient time for the upgrade process.  The The general installation of version 9.2 5 will take approximately 30 minutes30 minutes. InSite will not be online and your customers will not be able to upload or upload or approve pages during this time.