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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space KPS and version 8.5



Applies changes made to this dialog box. Unavailable if no changes.


Returns options to original settings.


Controller Name

Displays the controller name appears in Proofer Finder in the Controller column as well as in Controller Viewer and Proofer Viewer.

Note: If you change the name of the controller, restart the proofer client. After you restart the proofer client, error reports will include all necessary files. If you fail to restart the proofer client after you rename the controller, error reports will lack some files.

TIFF Wait Time (seconds)

One-bit TIFF hot folders will wait up to the indicated number of seconds for the rest of the files to arrive after receiving the first file for a job. Processing starts either when the hot folder receives the number of files specified by its Number of Separations in 1-bit TIFF Jobs setting or when the wait time expires, whichever comes first. If a file is delayed and is submitted after processing starts, the hot folder starts a new job and wait time.. The default value is 120 seconds.

Currently Allocated <number> Out of <number>

Specify how much disk space on the Proofer Controller to use for Kodak Proofing Software. The Currently Allocated number identifies how much disk space that you want to use, and the Out of number identifies the maximum amount of disk space that you can use. After you restart the Proofer Controller, wait for the system to finish calculating the disk space before you change the settings.

When Kodak Proofing Software is installed on a Prinergy workflow server, use this option to specify how much disk space to let Kodak Proofing Software use on the server. This ensures enough disk space is left for the processing needs of the workflow software.

Currently Using

Identifies how much of the allocated disk space is used for processing files and storing previous versions of Kodak Proofing Software.

Note: On the Backup tab, select Reset Level 1 - Queues, and click Reset to delete files from the working space. All queued files, proofs, sheets, and log files are deleted.


Opens a dialog box for you to change or delete a version of the Controller software.

When you change the version of Controller software, the Controller must restart. After restarting, you can only open proofers with compatible client software versions.

Parent topic: Settings