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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space VPSW and version 9.5

Which Tools are visible in the Toolbar depend on whether you are in Commercial Mode or Packaging Mode.

Commercial Mode Tools

ToolTool nameWhat you can do with this tool

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Job BrowserAllows you to add multiple impositions by selecting a folder containing the imposition separations

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Open...Allows you to open a set of Front or Back Imposition separations 

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Add FilesAllows you to add additional separation files to a set of separations that are already open

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Zoom to FitZooms the view to the maximum size that fits the open imposition viewing window

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Zoom OutZooms out one viewing level for each click.

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Zoom InZooms in one viewing level for each click. Hold down the CMD/CTRL button to get the Zoom In, when any other tool is active.

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Rotate LeftRotates the selected separation 90 degrees to the left

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Rotate RightRotates the selected separation 90 degrees to the right

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Zoom LevelsAllows you to select a desired zoom level

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Imposition Information PaletteAllows viewing of embedded imposition information. Individual options can be selected or deselected.

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Show/Hide ImpositionShows or Hides selected Imposition information 

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Show/Hide Press Sheet Edge

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Show/Hide Bleed Edges

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Show/Hide Page Edges

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Show/Hide Page Numbers

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Show/Hide Type Safety Edges

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Measurement Tools Palette

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Show/Hide RulersToggles Ruler visibility.

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Show/Hide GuidesToggles Guides visibility.

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Viewing Tools Palette

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Pan ToolClick and drag to roam around a surface when zoomed in. You can also get the Pan tool when any other tool is selected by holding down SPACEBAR. 

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Click to set a measure point and hold the mouse button down as you drag to set a second measure point. Hold SHIFT to constraint the measurement to horizontal or vertical.
Measurements display in the Measure section of the Inventory panel.

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Zoom Rectangle Select ToolAllows you to select a rectangular area to enlarge the area to the largest viewing level and fill the screen. Clicking with the Zoom Rectangle tool acts like the regular zoom tool, and will zoom in one level. Holding SHIFT and clicking will zoom out one level. 

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Color DensitometerClick and drag to define a rectangular area. The Inventory > Separations panel will display the Tint %, linescreen Ruling and screen Angle of the separations in the selected area.

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CompareAllows you to compare pixels in an open separation (or set of separations) to another separation (or another set of separations). Unique pixel differences are shown in Red or Blue, and common pixels are shown in grey.

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Select Use the Select Tool to position ruler guides.