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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space KPS and version 8.5

Provide basic information about the screened files that will be processed by this hot folder.

Input Files area

Have Master File

Sets the hot folder to accept only 1-bit TIFF files that include a complete master file. The master file provides all of the information needed to determine the separation names and process the 1-bit TIFF files.

Do Not Have Master File

Sets the hot folder to accept 1-bit TIFF files without a master file. The software will derive any spot color names from the file name and the separation name from the TIFF data.

Note: Processing wait time is n seconds

Displays the TIFF Wait Time that is configured on the Proofer Administrator Controller > Settings tab.

One-bit TIFF hot folders will wait up to the indicated number of seconds for the rest of the files to arrive after receiving the first file for a job. Processing starts either when the hot folder receives the number of files specified by its Number of Separations in 1-bit TIFF Jobs setting or when the wait time expires, whichever comes first. If a file is delayed and is submitted after processing starts, the hot folder starts a new job and wait time.

Override With TIFF information, if present

Instructs the software to look for the separation name in the 1-bit TIFF file header, in the following tags, in the order listed:

  • Photoshop TIFF resource tag
  • TIFF InkNamestag
  • If the TIFF software tag is RASTLIB, and the BitsPerSampletag is 1, the software looks in the ImageDescription

If no separation name is found in the 1-bit TIFF file header, the software uses the separation name defined in the file name.

If Override With TIFF information, if present is cleared, the software uses the separation name that is defined in the file name.

Separations area

File Name Delimiter

Identifies the character that separates the job name from the separation name in 1-bit TIFF file names. The following example uses the default delimiter (underscore): <job name>_<separation name>.tif

Important: Using the default delimiter (underscore) allows the software to identify the colors of the incoming 1-bit TIFF files and apply the correct dilation and preview colors.

The software uses the file name delimiter to automatically determine the names of the job and separations in the 1-bit TIFF files. The characters to the left of the file name delimiter are the job name, and the characters between the file name delimiter and the file name extension are the separation name.

Note: The 1-bit TIFF file name must start with the job name.

You can use multiple characters for the file name delimiter. Legal NTFS (New Technology File System) characters are supported. Do not use the illegal NTFS characters * . " / \ ? < > | : and spaces.

When the file name contains an extra delimiter (for example, Test_one_black.tif), the job name consists of all characters up to the rightmost delimiter (for example, Test_one), and the separation name consists of the characters between the last delimiter and the file name extension (for example, black).

Number of Separations in 1-bit TIFF Jobs

Specifies the number of separation colors that this hot folder expects per job.

A job is released for processing either when the hot folder receives the specified number of separations whose file name contains the same job name or when the TIFF Wait Time expires, whichever comes first.

Parent topic: Using halftone input files