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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space KPS and version 8.5

You can submit files to Kodak Proofing Software from any computer in the same network, even if Proofer Client software is not installed.


  • Hot folder created in Kodak Proofing Software on the proofer controller workstation
  • Network access to the proofer controller workstation

Note: Proofer Client software is not needed but may be present.

  1. In the Findermenu at the client computer, choose Go > Connect To Server.
  2. In the Server Addressbox, type smb://<ControllerName> (or smb://<IP_address>), and click Connect.

The controller name must be exactly as listed in Proofer Finder. In some cases, you may need to include the domain name proofers.

Note: The User Name and Password are both APSproofer.

  1. Locate and double-click the HotFolders
  2. Drag the desired hot folder to the computer desktop to create a shortcut.

Dragging files onto this shortcut processes the files and submits them to the proofer according to the hot folder settings.

Parent topic: Using hot folders