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Use this procedure to create a CMYK simulation DeviceLink that will appear on the ICC Profiles tab.


  • Press characterization CGATS5 file
  • Media configuration
  • Proofer profile available for selection

Note: You can use sample press characterization data included with the software to create a DeviceLink that simulates a highlight bump of 8%.

  1. Create the characterization data. (See the applicable topic.)
  2. In Proofer Administrator, click the Proofericon, and click the ICC Profiles
  3. Click New.
  4. In the Create Simulation DeviceLink Profile for Process Color dialog box, configure the options as needed.

For descriptions of the dialog box options, see the applicable topic.

5. Click OK.
6. Name and save the new DeviceLink .icc

Do not use the + - \ / | < > [ ] { } ? . , ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = : ; ' " characters in file names.

Parent topic: Creating ICC DeviceLink profiles in Proofer Administrator