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About VPS+ 9.5

Anything worthy of note?

VPS+ New Features

macOS 12 Monterey support

mac Macintosh M1 processor support

VPS+ Bug Fixes

VPSPLUS-295 Front and back pages of Work and Turn forms don't align in some cases

VPSPLUS-292 Front and Back pages of Perfector layouts don't align in some cases

VPSPLUS-286 Color densitometer not accurate for Black, depending on Zoom level

VPSPLUS-285 Angles measured with measure tool are inaccurate

VPS+ Limitations

There is no Ink Coverage ComparisonComparison features, as in VPS Classic.

Cannot view two-sided layouts in Packaging Mode. (Packaging uses TIFFs typicallyFlexo packaging layouts typically use TIFFs files, which do not cannot contain DIG comments like VPS files do.
Pandora may not insert DIG comments as well.) Rely on those comments to know whether layout is work and turn/work and tumble, sheetwise... ) See VPSPLUS-122.

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