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Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space EVO and version 9.0
Sv translation


  1. Selecting the Prinergy Evo Tutorials menu under Evo 9.0 Help or clicking the blue question marks on the Process Template Tabs point to the old Evo Help. Please go to and find out more information.
  2. Evo 9.0 does not support CPSI RIP. If the Saved Configuration has CPSI RIP selected in the Process Template, Evo 9 Restore Configuration would automatically convert the RIP option to APPE RIP.
  3. The license key format has changed in Evo 9.0. Please follow the steps below to upgrade your license. 
    • Stop old Evo (8.x)

    • Remove License key from the old Evo License Manager Window

    • Save Config (if needed)

    • Click Retrieve Key button on the new server while installing Evo 9.0

    • Restore Config (if needed)
  4. If the following message pops up when trying to Restore Configuration in Evo 9, please make sure to click No and call Kodak Support if you still need help.

These release notes describe the changes made in this release of the software. Where applicable, the release notes refer you to additional documents for more information.

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Sv translation


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Sv translation

Cette notice de mise à jour décrit les modifications et améliorations apportées à cette version du logiciel. Les notes de mise à jour vous renvoient à la documentation complémentaire pour plus d'informations, le cas échéant.

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Sv translation

In den vorliegenden Versionshinweisen werden die Änderungen beschrieben, die an dieser Version der Software vorgenommen wurden. Ggf. wird in den Versionshinweisen auf weitere Dokumente verwiesen.

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Sv translation

Le presenti note di rilascio contengono informazioni sulle modifiche apportate in questa versione del software. Ove necessario, le note di rilascio fanno riferimento ai documenti aggiuntivi per fornire ulteriori informazioni.

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Sv translation

このリリース ノートでは、このソフトウェア リリースの変更点について説明します。詳細については、適宜リリース ノートに記載されている他のマニュアルを参照してください。

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Sv translation

Данные примечания к выпуску содержат изменения, внесенные в данную версию программного обеспечения. Примечания к выпуску содержат ссылки на дополнительные документы (при их наличии), позволяющие получить более подробную информацию.

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Sv translation

En estas notas de la versión se describen los cambios realizados en esta versión del software. Cuando es pertinente, estas notas de la versión remiten a documentación adicional donde se puede obtener más información.

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